and other random tots
feel free to post your random tots too ... u may call me an MC-BC too ..its OK wid me ..if dats the way u feel... just be honest in wat u say ..
Monday, February 28, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
how to tell if he is a guy or a momma's boy
dont miss it...its fucking-fan-fantastic
Hey guys
u must visit here
u will tank me for it
when u do
u too dewdy. sebia, caraf, and of course Kesh
jeremy and janice will definitely do so
but on the sly
they are under 18
PS: just joking ...wat u saw above were samples of wat u will find here ... but if u stray...u may need parental guidance ...if yr parents are busy call dis old man ... he is harmless
Hey guys
u must visit here
u will tank me for it
when u do
u too dewdy. sebia, caraf, and of course Kesh
jeremy and janice will definitely do so
but on the sly
they are under 18
PS: just joking ...wat u saw above were samples of wat u will find here ... but if u stray...u may need parental guidance ...if yr parents are busy call dis old man ... he is harmless
My heroes .......
u guys made me proud to be an indian
the list here is off-the-cuff
Atal Behari Vajpayee - the poet statesman who tried to give the hindu fundamentalists a human face
George Fernandes who cudnt be bought by COKE, he threw out COKE ..we dont need COKE he said
Hey guys, i gotta go now, some one is on my messenger smells like jeremy...she sure smells bad ..she dont bathe and she uses paper uno wat i mean ..........
will add to the list later when i get rid of her
OK..she gone ..wont smell bad no more
told her dont coserve water
water can be re-cycled
but paper cant be !...not toilet paper anyways
when use paper .. u killing trees
she is a nice kid listens to reason.....unlike dat dumb janice
if only she wudnt mix wid the likes of ashes !
the list here is off-the-cuff
Atal Behari Vajpayee - the poet statesman who tried to give the hindu fundamentalists a human face
George Fernandes who cudnt be bought by COKE, he threw out COKE ..we dont need COKE he said
Hey guys, i gotta go now, some one is on my messenger smells like jeremy...she sure smells bad ..she dont bathe and she uses paper uno wat i mean ..........
will add to the list later when i get rid of her
OK..she gone ..wont smell bad no more
told her dont coserve water
water can be re-cycled
but paper cant be !...not toilet paper anyways
when use paper .. u killing trees
she is a nice kid listens to reason.....unlike dat dumb janice
if only she wudnt mix wid the likes of ashes !
Saturday, February 26, 2005
WORDS ......
and thoughts ....
today's gen uses the FUCK word in communication
and aslo SUXS
WORDS are not good or bad
which now bings us to PERCEPTION
which can be mis-leading
all dat dis old man is trying to say is ...
DIFFY and REX are good guys
and REX is fan-fucking-fantastic !
today's gen uses the FUCK word in communication
and aslo SUXS
WORDS are not good or bad
which now bings us to PERCEPTION
which can be mis-leading
all dat dis old man is trying to say is ...
DIFFY and REX are good guys
and REX is fan-fucking-fantastic !
LOVE ..........
broken heart for sale ......>one broken heart for sale
i gave her all my heart
and she gave me hers
but then she looked inside
and found porn too
dats when she dumped it
in the trash bin
but i need to live
so i picked it up from the trash bin
broken hearts also do heal
so they tell me
dat is true
time is a great healer
but i dunno
if i wll live dat long
i gave her all my heart
and she gave me hers
but then she looked inside
and found porn too
dats when she dumped it
in the trash bin
but i need to live
so i picked it up from the trash bin
broken hearts also do heal
so they tell me
dat is true
time is a great healer
but i dunno
if i wll live dat long
Friday, February 25, 2005
To all the moms and single moms out there
ur blessed
contrary to wat most ppl think
u have become a mom
bcoz God choose you to be one
and u are a part of His creation plan
ur raising God's children
being a mom may seem like the worst job in the world
carying the guy in yr womb for 9 months
and screaming in pain when he makes his entry into the world
but when its over
all the pain is forgotten
and u have an angel in yr hands
and u put him to yr breast
and as he sweetly sucks on one
his little fingers play wid the other one
and ur in heaven
dis is the initial pay-off
soon u will be changing nappies
while yr man will thumb his nose
he cant bear the smell, and
he just cant figure out how u do it wid a smile
and then u embark on the journey
making dat child into a man or a beautiful wooman
u give all u got to make him/her happy
wid a love dat is unconditional
and his/her first step
and his/her first date
teaching him to cope wid success or failure
and a lot more ....
some times i wish i were a wooman
wid a baby in my arms
contrary to wat most ppl think
u have become a mom
bcoz God choose you to be one
and u are a part of His creation plan
ur raising God's children
being a mom may seem like the worst job in the world
carying the guy in yr womb for 9 months
and screaming in pain when he makes his entry into the world
but when its over
all the pain is forgotten
and u have an angel in yr hands
and u put him to yr breast
and as he sweetly sucks on one
his little fingers play wid the other one
and ur in heaven
dis is the initial pay-off
soon u will be changing nappies
while yr man will thumb his nose
he cant bear the smell, and
he just cant figure out how u do it wid a smile
and then u embark on the journey
making dat child into a man or a beautiful wooman
u give all u got to make him/her happy
wid a love dat is unconditional
and his/her first step
and his/her first date
teaching him to cope wid success or failure
and a lot more ....
some times i wish i were a wooman
wid a baby in my arms
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
values my dad tot me .....
if i cud only be half the man my daddy was .....
courage / valor
cannons to the left of them
cannons to the right
into the jaws of death
rode the seven hundred
- the charge of the light brigade
(it was a suicide mission ....
dis is why, i respect the jehadis)
Risk taking
if u can gamble all yr fortune at the toss of a coin ....
and loose it all
and start all over again....
then u will be a man, my son
- If - Rudyard Kipling
making friends and keeping them
if yr friend asks u for money
dont give all he asks for
give ... wat u wont ask back
if u ask back, u will loose a friend
a lot more, will add to dis list....
his potrait
courage / valor
cannons to the left of them
cannons to the right
into the jaws of death
rode the seven hundred
- the charge of the light brigade
(it was a suicide mission ....
dis is why, i respect the jehadis)
Risk taking
if u can gamble all yr fortune at the toss of a coin ....
and loose it all
and start all over again....
then u will be a man, my son
- If - Rudyard Kipling
making friends and keeping them
if yr friend asks u for money
dont give all he asks for
give ... wat u wont ask back
if u ask back, u will loose a friend
a lot more, will add to dis list....
his potrait
Why do u blogg ?
Vivian wants to no, so do i
Why do u blogg ?
wud like you guys to tell me and Vivan ( )wants to no too
Why do people blog?
dis is wat Viv has to say
I read an article that said very few people really read other people's blogs. Though I like to do this myself, if very few people do, then why do people pour out their hearts, souls, thoughts, into blogs? I guess it could fullfill some basic human need. Even if you are never sure if another person would ever read your blog you just can't help but express yourself. Maybe I should put up a listening blog and just leave it blank, which means I am listening to you. I could just put up listening posts, like "listening, 1am October 12. " If I have time I would.
Why do u blogg ?
wud like you guys to tell me and Vivan ( )wants to no too
Why do people blog?
dis is wat Viv has to say
I read an article that said very few people really read other people's blogs. Though I like to do this myself, if very few people do, then why do people pour out their hearts, souls, thoughts, into blogs? I guess it could fullfill some basic human need. Even if you are never sure if another person would ever read your blog you just can't help but express yourself. Maybe I should put up a listening blog and just leave it blank, which means I am listening to you. I could just put up listening posts, like "listening, 1am October 12. " If I have time I would.
Innocence lost .....
and the world came crashing down ....
Heyyyy janice,
it's not serious
if u can laff about it
- Bill Cosby
Heyyyy janice,
it's not serious
if u can laff about it
- Bill Cosby
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
i was a spoilt kid
i am responsible for my dad's death
i was born poor
my dad was retired when i was born
but i was richer than my brothers
my dad and mom loved me the most
dat is not a good thing
they called me 'baba'
even when i was in college
and my friends too
in college when my folks at home were eating one roti less
to pay my hostel and tuition fees
i was freaking out
living in style
i even forgot to rite home for a while
my dad dropped in to see me at the hostel
he was worried sick
he hugged me so tight
(felt silly in front of me friends)
he left for home
later, a month later
i received mail from my elder brother
dad has been admitted to hospital, he said
nothing serious, just bleeding from the nose
my dad rote too
he said i am OK, dont worry
i didnt
i kept on having a good time
another month later
my brother rote
dad died last nite in hospital
dat letter and my dad's letter
brought tears to my eyes, it still does
(i dont cry easy)
my dad's letter has blood stains on it
he rote
saby, i am OK
dont come home
dont want u to miss your classes
i will be OK
i was born poor
my dad was retired when i was born
but i was richer than my brothers
my dad and mom loved me the most
dat is not a good thing
they called me 'baba'
even when i was in college
and my friends too
in college when my folks at home were eating one roti less
to pay my hostel and tuition fees
i was freaking out
living in style
i even forgot to rite home for a while
my dad dropped in to see me at the hostel
he was worried sick
he hugged me so tight
(felt silly in front of me friends)
he left for home
later, a month later
i received mail from my elder brother
dad has been admitted to hospital, he said
nothing serious, just bleeding from the nose
my dad rote too
he said i am OK, dont worry
i didnt
i kept on having a good time
another month later
my brother rote
dad died last nite in hospital
dat letter and my dad's letter
brought tears to my eyes, it still does
(i dont cry easy)
my dad's letter has blood stains on it
he rote
saby, i am OK
dont come home
dont want u to miss your classes
i will be OK
thank God for angels .....
God loves me
i was always very cynical
then some angels from IT came into my life
Now, i am a believer !
I believe in angels
That they're always hovering near
Whispering encouragement
When clouds suddenly appear
Protecting us from danger
And showing us the way
Performing little miracles
Within our lives each day
Yes, I believe in angels
And I'm sure you do too
And I'm convinced that angels
Are always watching over you
God Bless You all!
- for more of this go to
i was always very cynical
then some angels from IT came into my life
Now, i am a believer !
I believe in angels
That they're always hovering near
Whispering encouragement
When clouds suddenly appear
Protecting us from danger
And showing us the way
Performing little miracles
Within our lives each day
Yes, I believe in angels
And I'm sure you do too
And I'm convinced that angels
Are always watching over you
God Bless You all!
- for more of this go to
Sunday, February 20, 2005
marriage is no rose garden .....
u gotta give a little...take a little
i beg yr pardon
i never promised u a rose garden
along wid the sunshine
there's gotta be a little rain sometime
- from a song of our gen
marriage can be beautiful, and
marrige can be hell
dont marry a girl for her blue eyes, or
the way her jeans fit
or lust,
'desire ceases to exist
once it is satisfied'
- anonymous
i beg yr pardon
i never promised u a rose garden
along wid the sunshine
there's gotta be a little rain sometime
- from a song of our gen
marriage can be beautiful, and
marrige can be hell
dont marry a girl for her blue eyes, or
the way her jeans fit
or lust,
'desire ceases to exist
once it is satisfied'
- anonymous
one day at a time, sweet Jesus ......
is all i am asking for
i have seen rain
and i have seen pain
i seen sunny days
dat i tot wud never end
and then
my love said 'good bye'
but, i will survive
wid u by side
one day at a time, sweet Jesus
is all i am asking for
help me to live
just one day at a time
i have seen rain
and i have seen pain
i seen sunny days
dat i tot wud never end
and then
my love said 'good bye'
but, i will survive
wid u by side
one day at a time, sweet Jesus
is all i am asking for
help me to live
just one day at a time
Saturday, February 19, 2005

men shud not wear skirts ......
i repeat : men shud never ever wear skirts !
got dis from the Kerry Adams porn collection
heyy guys
dis is the last time iam gonna steal from the melancholy girl (wonder how she got dat name .. dis girl is fun in caps)
u guys visit melancholy girl and steal for your selves
but not her heart ( i already stole dat )
Move over Kesh ....
i found a reason
Move over Kesh
i found another
(she loves porn and me)
i stole her from Rex Venom
just read wat she has to say:
If I found out today that my life would be over by dawn
I would spend my last day here on earth thinking about you.
I would use my final hours and breaths trying to make you smile and laugh.
I would tell you that I love you
and that your friendship has made me a better person.
I would look into your eyes and smile
I would tell you that from the first time are eyes meet
I knew that I loved you;
and that I would spend endless hours
trying to think of things to say to you
that would make you smile...
I'd tell you that I've simply lived my life
trying to show you that you are loved.
and that there has never been a moment
that has passed when I haven't thought of you and smiled too...
I found a reason to smile again;
seeing your smile!
You make my heart float!
I've finally re-found myself and a reason to believe;
I love me; the reason is you...
© Kerry M. Adams
Move over Kesh
i found another
(she loves porn and me)
i stole her from Rex Venom
just read wat she has to say:
If I found out today that my life would be over by dawn
I would spend my last day here on earth thinking about you.
I would use my final hours and breaths trying to make you smile and laugh.
I would tell you that I love you
and that your friendship has made me a better person.
I would look into your eyes and smile
I would tell you that from the first time are eyes meet
I knew that I loved you;
and that I would spend endless hours
trying to think of things to say to you
that would make you smile...
I'd tell you that I've simply lived my life
trying to show you that you are loved.
and that there has never been a moment
that has passed when I haven't thought of you and smiled too...
I found a reason to smile again;
seeing your smile!
You make my heart float!
I've finally re-found myself and a reason to believe;
I love me; the reason is you...
© Kerry M. Adams
Friday, February 18, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
feel good .......
feel sad
was really touched by dis (from agony aunt blogg)
Things that make your day
When fiancée who’s a thousand miles away calls in the middle of the day to sing to you.
Things that make you smile
Body of a cow protruding from side of huge dumpster.
Things that make you sleepy
Sister, relating intricate details of life history in the middle of the night.
Things that make you sad
Letting go of people you love because you’ve reached a fork in the road.
Things that make a difference
Knowing that there’s always somebody who cares
was really touched by dis (from agony aunt blogg)
Things that make your day
When fiancée who’s a thousand miles away calls in the middle of the day to sing to you.
Things that make you smile
Body of a cow protruding from side of huge dumpster.
Things that make you sleepy
Sister, relating intricate details of life history in the middle of the night.
Things that make you sad
Letting go of people you love because you’ve reached a fork in the road.
Things that make a difference
Knowing that there’s always somebody who cares
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Saturday, February 12, 2005
u no ur in love, when ........
all u wanna do is to hold her hand
uno ur in love, when
u look silly
uno ur in love, when
u start loving your mom,
coz she said she loves her mom
uno ur in love, when
the guys call u out for a night in town
and u decline
uno ur in love, when
ur the first one to comment on her post
u set your clock to aussie time
u answer her questionnaire of 50 questions
uno ur really in love when u do it again
uno ur really really really in love, when
guys call u MC-BC and it dont bother u
uno ur in love, when
u look silly
uno ur in love, when
u start loving your mom,
coz she said she loves her mom
uno ur in love, when
the guys call u out for a night in town
and u decline
uno ur in love, when
ur the first one to comment on her post
u set your clock to aussie time
u answer her questionnaire of 50 questions
uno ur really in love when u do it again
uno ur really really really in love, when
guys call u MC-BC and it dont bother u
Friday, February 11, 2005
janice: When Tommorow Starts Without Me
janice: When Tommorow Starts Without Me
Janice (
hope u will forgive me
i am really touched by dis post ......
need to read it again ... and again...
i have a lot to do ... and very little time left ...
so i am posting stuff ... like there is no tomorrow
dont u worry
i will always be there 4 u
even when i am not around
hope u dont scare of ghosts
Janice (
hope u will forgive me
i am really touched by dis post ......
need to read it again ... and again...
i have a lot to do ... and very little time left ...
so i am posting stuff ... like there is no tomorrow
dont u worry
i will always be there 4 u
even when i am not around
hope u dont scare of ghosts
citrus: ashes to ashes, dust to dust
citrus: ashes to ashes, dust to dust
just borrowed Citrus' title ...
ASH WEDNESDAY (for all u guys who dont no)... tells u
Vanity of vanities ..all is vanity...
fair and lovely...and face lifts....and boob lifts ....
rinkles and shampoo and dandruff dont matter
yr soul counts .... not body beautiful..
dat means a lot to me ... my body is deteriorating fast ...
lost my grinders ... but i still got me 2 front teeth..
hair is greying but not yet bald ..
got more hair than Pithaly
abt dat guy below the belt
the less said the better
gotta go now b4 the one i love hears all dis ..
just borrowed Citrus' title ...
ASH WEDNESDAY (for all u guys who dont no)... tells u
Vanity of vanities ..all is vanity...
fair and lovely...and face lifts....and boob lifts ....
rinkles and shampoo and dandruff dont matter
yr soul counts .... not body beautiful..
dat means a lot to me ... my body is deteriorating fast ...
lost my grinders ... but i still got me 2 front teeth..
hair is greying but not yet bald ..
got more hair than Pithaly
abt dat guy below the belt
the less said the better
gotta go now b4 the one i love hears all dis ..
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Good and Evil ... ....
explained by Pithaly
My langoti dost Pithaly says
Uh. You got it slightly wrong.
The left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand
The left hand of God is
not the equivalent of
Mammon. See, the concept of Good and Evil is on the
face of it, a little
different here.
The left hand of God is probably most closely
explained with the concept
that Satan was a fallen angel. Which gives hints that
Satan was an Angel.
Also, for Good to exist, Evil exists simulaneously.
Its akin to the
space-time-gravity continuum where, if space and mass
exist, gravitational
field comes into play. without mass, gravity, by
itself cannot manifest
Evil is there. Constantly trying to push the door and
enter. You cannot
defeat it. You can merely ensure that the door remains
Misinterpretation of what is "Good", or better still,
"True" is allowing the
force of Evil to be able to push hard enough, so that
a part of the door is
now open, like a crevice. The effects are to be seen
all over the world.
One is not the opposite of the other. Only when the
other is not, can the
one be manifest.
if any one can explain dis to me ..i am all ears......
My langoti dost Pithaly says
Uh. You got it slightly wrong.
The left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand
The left hand of God is
not the equivalent of
Mammon. See, the concept of Good and Evil is on the
face of it, a little
different here.
The left hand of God is probably most closely
explained with the concept
that Satan was a fallen angel. Which gives hints that
Satan was an Angel.
Also, for Good to exist, Evil exists simulaneously.
Its akin to the
space-time-gravity continuum where, if space and mass
exist, gravitational
field comes into play. without mass, gravity, by
itself cannot manifest
Evil is there. Constantly trying to push the door and
enter. You cannot
defeat it. You can merely ensure that the door remains
Misinterpretation of what is "Good", or better still,
"True" is allowing the
force of Evil to be able to push hard enough, so that
a part of the door is
now open, like a crevice. The effects are to be seen
all over the world.
One is not the opposite of the other. Only when the
other is not, can the
one be manifest.
if any one can explain dis to me ..i am all ears......
Monday, February 07, 2005
Sacred Space ....
Do someting beautiful before u die
if u want to find meaning in your life
click here
NOTE: Pithaly says:
'The real reason George Bush got re-elected, is Janet Jackson's bearing of her breast at the Superbowl last year.
This brought about a wave of indignation, resulting in the "moral values" win.
Wonder what would have happened if she had displayed both breasts. Dictatorship? '
if u want to find meaning in your life
click here
NOTE: Pithaly says:
'The real reason George Bush got re-elected, is Janet Jackson's bearing of her breast at the Superbowl last year.
This brought about a wave of indignation, resulting in the "moral values" win.
Wonder what would have happened if she had displayed both breasts. Dictatorship? '
heyyy guys to enjoy blogspot
get gmail from google
u can then get Google Alerts
on your email (any email address)
when the mangy's (janice, citrus and Agony)
post some nasty comment on me blogg
i get an alert
i can then check and delete
or hit back real fast
mail me if u want gmail
i got 4 invites wid me left
first come ... first get
heyyy guys to enjoy blogspot
get gmail from google
u can then get Google Alerts
on your email (any email address)
when the mangy's (janice, citrus and Agony)
post some nasty comment on me blogg
i get an alert
i can then check and delete
or hit back real fast
mail me if u want gmail
i got 4 invites wid me left
first come ... first get
i got EXPERIENCE .........
dont do wat i did
i got EXPERIENCE ...
if u read between the lines ... wat i am saying is 'i made blunders'
yeah, experience u get when u make silly mistakes ...
but dat experince is no good for me now... wish i had experience b4 making an ass of me self
so, being a nice guy, i want to tell u wat not to do
i dont tink the young punks of today will listen
but any ways here goes ...
dont stare at her tits
dont dance close, if u havent worn tight undies
dont tell her 'i want to marry u' on yr first date
dont criticize her parents, even if justified
dont tink dat she can read yr mind
if u love her tell her so
(make it convincing)
dont be honest .. and dont lie either
if u tink her dress sense is bad
dont say it
tell her u love her as she is
dont tell her u wont to see her as she is
most girls wont reveal her self in the nude to you
unless she is convinced u love her
i got a long list here
but i gotta stop now
do see dat u dont do the donts
PS: it took me 54 years to learn wat not to do ... we didnt have internet then... we had only PLAYBOY advisor
i got EXPERIENCE ...
if u read between the lines ... wat i am saying is 'i made blunders'
yeah, experience u get when u make silly mistakes ...
but dat experince is no good for me now... wish i had experience b4 making an ass of me self
so, being a nice guy, i want to tell u wat not to do
i dont tink the young punks of today will listen
but any ways here goes ...
dont stare at her tits
dont dance close, if u havent worn tight undies
dont tell her 'i want to marry u' on yr first date
dont criticize her parents, even if justified
dont tink dat she can read yr mind
if u love her tell her so
(make it convincing)
dont be honest .. and dont lie either
if u tink her dress sense is bad
dont say it
tell her u love her as she is
dont tell her u wont to see her as she is
most girls wont reveal her self in the nude to you
unless she is convinced u love her
i got a long list here
but i gotta stop now
do see dat u dont do the donts
PS: it took me 54 years to learn wat not to do ... we didnt have internet then... we had only PLAYBOY advisor
Sunday, February 06, 2005

my clean FRIENDS ....
i clicked the pic.... u wont find me here
KESHI ...... the girl wid the longest hair (bottom left corner)
next to Kesh ..... grinning like an idiot is JEREMY
next to Jeremy ... looking lost is TANVI
now lets go to the top and see the men ...
left is NV (my blog)... he assumes dat Keshi loves him
(how rong can one get! ... the guy she loves is not in the pic)
in the center is DIFFY ... hahahaha ...the guy tinks dat Keshi has flipped for him
(poor DIFFY living in a fool's paradise)
the tall guy to the right is REX VENOM ... he gate crashed ... rest of the family is wondering who he is !
the sweetest girl right in the middle is mom (PREEYA)
the guy on top wid a smirk on his mug is not dad
PREEYA is a single mom
the youngest girl next to Preeya is Janice ... actually she is 27 but wat u see is her mind ... she always grins .... even at funerals ... she is naive .. she tinks she shud be happy coz the guy dat died is in heaven now
the girl next to janice is probably PRITI... or cud be ANNA ... guess we gotta ask REX VENOM who is hugging her so possessively
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Saturday, February 05, 2005
the girl from Autralaya
Janice, wat u wanted to no abt Kesh but didn’t no how to ask
the girl from Autralaya
Age: she not 39 ….she 17
Gender: can only be sure, if I see her pic …. I havent
Looks: Silly
Religion: Love
Location: Sydney (the gay capital of the World)
Eyes: Never looked into her eyes ….. her other assets are far more compelling
Height: Tall ………… wears heels …
(rather, she invented high heels ! – when her b/f kissed her on the forehead)
Dress: if u see a girl in leather … tight leather jeans encasing a tight ass, leather jacket showing cleavage, knee length leather boots, carrying a whip …and u cant figure out if she is a guy or a gal ….. dats her
IQ: 120
EQ: 300
Lang.:WTF - she talks like a man
Will: very strong
Wont: kiss on the first date hott as hell - don’t need no fore play
Likes: Porn (X)
Dislikes: Porn (XXX)
Loves: her mom (Preeya) and 5 Sisters: Priti, Tanvi, Neha, Dewdy, Sean
Body guard: Anna from Chicago
Hates: Diffy
Moods: unpredictable …. Can be as loving as a cat dat has just littered … but when she encounters creeps …… God help the creep !
Eats: men …… after marinating in vinegar and grilling on a slow wood fire ….like she did to Cyno
Drinks: like a fish
Reads: Sidney Sheldon
Her friends: mostly girls, les, gays (Nikki from Miami), cats, dogs and other dumb animals, and Firacub
Contact: if u want to propose to her, Do it thro’ her blogg …. Her mail box is full ….
the girl from Autralaya
Age: she not 39 ….she 17
Gender: can only be sure, if I see her pic …. I havent
Looks: Silly
Religion: Love
Location: Sydney (the gay capital of the World)
Eyes: Never looked into her eyes ….. her other assets are far more compelling
Height: Tall ………… wears heels …
(rather, she invented high heels ! – when her b/f kissed her on the forehead)
Dress: if u see a girl in leather … tight leather jeans encasing a tight ass, leather jacket showing cleavage, knee length leather boots, carrying a whip …and u cant figure out if she is a guy or a gal ….. dats her
IQ: 120
EQ: 300
Lang.:WTF - she talks like a man
Will: very strong
Wont: kiss on the first date hott as hell - don’t need no fore play
Likes: Porn (X)
Dislikes: Porn (XXX)
Loves: her mom (Preeya) and 5 Sisters: Priti, Tanvi, Neha, Dewdy, Sean
Body guard: Anna from Chicago
Hates: Diffy
Moods: unpredictable …. Can be as loving as a cat dat has just littered … but when she encounters creeps …… God help the creep !
Eats: men …… after marinating in vinegar and grilling on a slow wood fire ….like she did to Cyno
Drinks: like a fish
Reads: Sidney Sheldon
Her friends: mostly girls, les, gays (Nikki from Miami), cats, dogs and other dumb animals, and Firacub
Contact: if u want to propose to her, Do it thro’ her blogg …. Her mail box is full ….
New Bible for the 'New Age'
Brand New Bible for the 'New Age'
by Todd ©
"In the beginning there was an infinite expanse composed of nothing. And it came to pass accidentally and then began to form chemical elements. Then, accidentally, it decided to compress itself into a ping-pong ball.
Having done thusly, it verily chose to collapse in on itself to form a pinhead of compact atoms weighing more than 900,000,000,000,000 tons. And then, behold! It decided to blow up, so it did.
"Thereupon it accidentally blew out, evenly, in all directions for 10,000,000 light years and formed a perfect set of several million galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. All operating with enough precision to set your clock by.
Fortunately, one set accidentally formed a solar system that had all of the necessary elements for producing the kind of life now writing this 'Bible.'
"And it came to pass, after several billion years (give or take several hundred million), the sun decided to accidentally throw out Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc., in different sizes at different distances with different atmospheres.
In thus doing, it also accidentally threw out an Earth, which (accidentally) formed water and plants out of molten lava.
After a few billion years (give or take several hundred million, either way), an accidental combination of elements got together and accidentally formed a genetic code chain that could dictate what kind of life would be produced.
Whereupon this accidentally produced a one-celled animal which couldn't produce a two-celled animal (or a three, or four, or five, or six celled, etc., animal).
"And thus it came to pass that over 20,000 species of animals were produced accidentally, to no purpose, and man was one of them.
And evolution took the planaria that it had made from a paramecium, and created a jellyfish and brought it to a nonsexed, neuter, hermaphrodite and called it ~woman.~ (Or protozoa, coelenterata, platyhelminthes, or ctenophora: evolution only knows!)
And evolution said, 'It is not good for the monkey to be alone. I will make a mate for him.' So it accidentally made 'Lucey' for 'Magic,' and he called her 'Baby' because she was taken out of a monkey.
"And after 6,000 years of killing, cannibalism, torture, murder, embezzlement, fraud, famine, Iying, swearing, cheating, stealing, and killing the monkey (or femur, or tarsier, or whatever) accidentally decided he had 'rights' that came from the spermatophytes, thallophytes, bryophytes, and ptendophytes, so he gave himself the right to cheat, abort, swear, lie, misrepresent, steal, pervert, extort, defraud, torture, and kill and called these rights, 'Civil Rights.'
"Today, at the very pinnacle of creation, the monkey (or 'great ape,' or 'hominoid,' or whatever) is 'the measure of all things.' He verily 'hash arrived.'
He now knows why he came into being, accidentally; it was to please himself. At last he hath a goal: to make himself comfortable.
In the next seven years, this will be done by perversion, extortion, rape, drug abuse, Iying, swearing, embezzlement, cheating, cannibalism, terrorism, perversion and killing, evolution willing!
"Even so, may the fittest survive!
Amen! "
by Todd ©
"In the beginning there was an infinite expanse composed of nothing. And it came to pass accidentally and then began to form chemical elements. Then, accidentally, it decided to compress itself into a ping-pong ball.
Having done thusly, it verily chose to collapse in on itself to form a pinhead of compact atoms weighing more than 900,000,000,000,000 tons. And then, behold! It decided to blow up, so it did.
"Thereupon it accidentally blew out, evenly, in all directions for 10,000,000 light years and formed a perfect set of several million galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. All operating with enough precision to set your clock by.
Fortunately, one set accidentally formed a solar system that had all of the necessary elements for producing the kind of life now writing this 'Bible.'
"And it came to pass, after several billion years (give or take several hundred million), the sun decided to accidentally throw out Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc., in different sizes at different distances with different atmospheres.
In thus doing, it also accidentally threw out an Earth, which (accidentally) formed water and plants out of molten lava.
After a few billion years (give or take several hundred million, either way), an accidental combination of elements got together and accidentally formed a genetic code chain that could dictate what kind of life would be produced.
Whereupon this accidentally produced a one-celled animal which couldn't produce a two-celled animal (or a three, or four, or five, or six celled, etc., animal).
"And thus it came to pass that over 20,000 species of animals were produced accidentally, to no purpose, and man was one of them.
And evolution took the planaria that it had made from a paramecium, and created a jellyfish and brought it to a nonsexed, neuter, hermaphrodite and called it ~woman.~ (Or protozoa, coelenterata, platyhelminthes, or ctenophora: evolution only knows!)
And evolution said, 'It is not good for the monkey to be alone. I will make a mate for him.' So it accidentally made 'Lucey' for 'Magic,' and he called her 'Baby' because she was taken out of a monkey.
"And after 6,000 years of killing, cannibalism, torture, murder, embezzlement, fraud, famine, Iying, swearing, cheating, stealing, and killing the monkey (or femur, or tarsier, or whatever) accidentally decided he had 'rights' that came from the spermatophytes, thallophytes, bryophytes, and ptendophytes, so he gave himself the right to cheat, abort, swear, lie, misrepresent, steal, pervert, extort, defraud, torture, and kill and called these rights, 'Civil Rights.'
"Today, at the very pinnacle of creation, the monkey (or 'great ape,' or 'hominoid,' or whatever) is 'the measure of all things.' He verily 'hash arrived.'
He now knows why he came into being, accidentally; it was to please himself. At last he hath a goal: to make himself comfortable.
In the next seven years, this will be done by perversion, extortion, rape, drug abuse, Iying, swearing, embezzlement, cheating, cannibalism, terrorism, perversion and killing, evolution willing!
"Even so, may the fittest survive!
Amen! "
Friday, February 04, 2005
i will never grow old ......
My chronological age dont make me feel old...
it is just dat in a couple of years my son will get married and he will have kids of his own ...
and then i will be sleeping wid a grandmother (Julia)
i wont be able to cope wid dat
it is just dat in a couple of years my son will get married and he will have kids of his own ...
and then i will be sleeping wid a grandmother (Julia)
i wont be able to cope wid dat
is sex dirty ?
woody allen says ..
Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right.
That (sex) was the most fun I ever had without laughing.
Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone you
Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it's a pretty good empty experience.
My love life is terrible. The last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.
Love is the answer - but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.
I'm such a good lover because I practise a lot on my own.
My brain - it's my second favorite organ.
It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to sleep with me and she said 'no'.
Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right.
That (sex) was the most fun I ever had without laughing.
Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone you
Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it's a pretty good empty experience.
My love life is terrible. The last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.
Love is the answer - but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.
I'm such a good lover because I practise a lot on my own.
My brain - it's my second favorite organ.
It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to sleep with me and she said 'no'.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
thy neighbour's wife
Pithaly asks
'if your neighbor beats his wife, is it right to set fire to his house and kill his children?
That's what Bush has done to Iraq.'
Pithaly asks
'if your neighbor beats his wife, is it right to set fire to his house and kill his children?
That's what Bush has done to Iraq.'
Love and romance is not for the young alone
a letter to the guys over 50
Hey guys,
dont let the world get u down ..
u love your daughter's friend .... tell her so ...
they will call u a 'dirty old man'
dont listen
ur as young as u feel ....
a beautiful mind is sexy too
Hey guys,
dont let the world get u down ..
u love your daughter's friend .... tell her so ...
they will call u a 'dirty old man'
dont listen
ur as young as u feel ....
a beautiful mind is sexy too
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
wat the fuck !
imnutsincaps: Sex is good
Is God anti-sex ?
i dont tink so
Sex is one of the greatest pleasures gifted to man (and wooman)
the british felt uncomfortable wid sex
so all tinks dat made then tink abt sex was covered
even the legs of the dining table ......
while India celebrated sex ... even worshipped the phallus and the yoni ..
and tot the world how to sex (kamasutra)
wat u tink Diffy ?
Is God anti-sex ?
i dont tink so
Sex is one of the greatest pleasures gifted to man (and wooman)
the british felt uncomfortable wid sex
so all tinks dat made then tink abt sex was covered
even the legs of the dining table ......
while India celebrated sex ... even worshipped the phallus and the yoni ..
and tot the world how to sex (kamasutra)
wat u tink Diffy ?
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
God and Love and Sex
God loves me
A religious person draws his/her strength from the conviction dat there is a super power (GOD) who is just and wise and who controls our destiny.
That applies to me also
Now all the great thinkers ……the wise men (?) may consider GOD is a myth…the opium of the masses…..
That is OK with me….. for I have seen GOD in action in my life…. I have seen my emails bounce…then I edit the mails and it goes through… I have seen times when I was dead broke…and I get an income tax refund… my wife has seen this happen…but she rationalizes,….. she tries to find logical explanations. .logic is the creation of the human mind…logic is a myth….
An invention can only be as good as the creator of the invention…
My image of GOD…. whom I refer to as Jesus…names, ..identification labels don’t matter here …u may call Him Allah or Ram or Bhagwan…. He don’t give a damn….
I refer to Him as a classic joker….He makes me see sense by joking with me…… when I get pompous… he lets the air off…. And I stand deflated… like a punctured balloon.... or like when the effects of the Blue Pill wear off…
Jesus (my image of GOD) has also experienced the human condition…... He experienced the pain and suffering…we mortals undergo…He experienced betrayal…. 30 pieces of silver……
So brilliantly portrayed in the passion of Christ……
My image of Jesus is that He is merciful….and does not condemn sinners…He gives them a chance …again and again… to repent ….and to come back ….to the narrow path….. but He gives us the freedom of choice…..
God loves sinners ….. the human mind cannot accept dat…..
he suppped wid tax collectors…
he loved Mary Magdalene ,…the sex worker…..
He says there is greater joy in heaven over one repentant sinner…..the lost sheep……who has returned to the flock…….the prodigal son……
Dat is a very comforting tot …
no matter wat I do …wat I say…the gate is always open…. He never closes the door…. He hurts bcoz i have been wayward….but he waits patiently…he hopes dat one day I will see sense …and return back…..
But He wont force me2……
Jesus is very different from the GOD of the Old Testament…
the old Testament is an obsolete document….. the old Testament wanted us to be God –fearing….. Jesus says God is yr loving father….
A religious person draws his/her strength from the conviction dat there is a super power (GOD) who is just and wise and who controls our destiny.
That applies to me also
Now all the great thinkers ……the wise men (?) may consider GOD is a myth…the opium of the masses…..
That is OK with me….. for I have seen GOD in action in my life…. I have seen my emails bounce…then I edit the mails and it goes through… I have seen times when I was dead broke…and I get an income tax refund… my wife has seen this happen…but she rationalizes,….. she tries to find logical explanations. .logic is the creation of the human mind…logic is a myth….
An invention can only be as good as the creator of the invention…
My image of GOD…. whom I refer to as Jesus…names, ..identification labels don’t matter here …u may call Him Allah or Ram or Bhagwan…. He don’t give a damn….
I refer to Him as a classic joker….He makes me see sense by joking with me…… when I get pompous… he lets the air off…. And I stand deflated… like a punctured balloon.... or like when the effects of the Blue Pill wear off…
Jesus (my image of GOD) has also experienced the human condition…... He experienced the pain and suffering…we mortals undergo…He experienced betrayal…. 30 pieces of silver……
So brilliantly portrayed in the passion of Christ……
My image of Jesus is that He is merciful….and does not condemn sinners…He gives them a chance …again and again… to repent ….and to come back ….to the narrow path….. but He gives us the freedom of choice…..
God loves sinners ….. the human mind cannot accept dat…..
he suppped wid tax collectors…
he loved Mary Magdalene ,…the sex worker…..
He says there is greater joy in heaven over one repentant sinner…..the lost sheep……who has returned to the flock…….the prodigal son……
Dat is a very comforting tot …
no matter wat I do …wat I say…the gate is always open…. He never closes the door…. He hurts bcoz i have been wayward….but he waits patiently…he hopes dat one day I will see sense …and return back…..
But He wont force me2……
Jesus is very different from the GOD of the Old Testament…
the old Testament is an obsolete document….. the old Testament wanted us to be God –fearing….. Jesus says God is yr loving father….
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