Friday, June 30, 2006
the game is not over until the last whistle is blown
Germany down 1-0 before half time
equalized in the second half
to win 4-2 in penalty shoot out
Argentina go home crying
to face a hostile DIEGO
they gonna get a flogging from the hand of God
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
Don't let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.
When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes and to the people whose lives you want to be in!!!
And send it back to the person who sent it to you if they mean something to you!! Remember, every minute spent angry is sixty seconds of happiness wasted.
- a forward from Gita
equalized in the second half
to win 4-2 in penalty shoot out
Argentina go home crying
to face a hostile DIEGO
they gonna get a flogging from the hand of God
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
Don't let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.
When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes and to the people whose lives you want to be in!!!
And send it back to the person who sent it to you if they mean something to you!! Remember, every minute spent angry is sixty seconds of happiness wasted.
- a forward from Gita
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Annony mouse, the creep

..Never ever fart in a wet suit
- Starbender.
"A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions." Anonymous
"The world has teeth and can bite you when it wants to." Stephen King
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Yuh can't suck cane and blow whistle.
One good turn deserves another
Saying is one thing; doing another
Like music to my ears
One good turn deserves half the blankets
A lie well stuck to is as good as the truth.
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself
The female of the species is more deadly than the male
God is alive and well and working on something less ambitious
A man in love is a fool, and an old man in love is the greatest fool of all.
Man cannot live on bread alone
The higher you climb up the ladder, the more people can see your arse
Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground
Charity covers a multitude of sins
Take a hair of the dog that bit you
After a storm comes a calm.
Kill not the goose that lays the golden egg
An idle mind is.. the best way to relax.
The King can make a knight, but not a gentleman
Never speak ill of the dead
If the wind will not serve, take to the oars
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy
Contributed by Charon Muck, 26 Jan 2000
Monday, June 26, 2006
Jesus is anti-religion

... the true christian is not bound by religion or rules
it was the Holy Sabath day (Saturday)
but Jesus had no day off
He went on healing the sick
He was accused of breaking Moses' rule
Keep holy the sabbath day
As per the law of Moses
a woman cot in adultery was to be stoned to death
no punishment for the man of course
Accordingly Mary Magdalene was being stoned to death
Jesus said: 'let the man who has no sin, cast the first stone'
The jews of those day were rule bound to wash upto their elbows before partaking of their meals
Jesus disciples (fishermen) hadnt read about dis
They were admonished by the elders and the chief priests
Jesus said
FUCK u charlie! it dont matter
their hearts are clean
eye for an eye will make the whole fucking world blind
- M K Gandhi
if a guy slaps u on the right cheek
turn the other cheek
wat must i do to enter the kingdom of heaven
Jesus: Keep the commandments
i already done dat
Jesus: OK, then sell all your possessions and give to the poor
and follow me
Jesus (after a long wait): it is easier for the camel to enter the eye of a needle
if u do charity
let not your left hand no wat your right hand is doing
- Jesus
wat must i do to enter the kindom of heaven?
Jesus: read the Bile
Jeeeez, gimme a break
Jesus: OK, i give it to u in short
Love God wid all u gott, and
Love your neighbour as much as u love yourself
(provided u r not a masochist)
and if the Bible reading tells u otherwise
(like going to war on Iraq)
burn the whole fucking Bible
Not all those who say to me Lord! Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven
there are more Hindus, Muslims, and atheists in Heaven than christians
and from Me Mirandaaaa
A man in love is a fool, and an old man in love is the greatest fool of all.
Man cannot live on bread alone
The higher you climb up the ladder, the more people can see your arse
Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground
Charity covers a multitude of sins
Men will be men.
In search of that perfect man?
Men will be men. So learn to overlook imperfections with understanding
This one is for the women.
Ask any woman what she thinks about a relationship. And she will paint a picture either so beautiful or so practical, that every man listening to it will strive to achieve that near perfect state.
Maybe not every man, but at least every man who cares or likes that woman.
But women are never satisfied and a constant confusion on what they want will keep you looking for everything short of the Holy Grail (and in some cases, even the Grail itself, you never know).
But ask them why and they'll lash out at you with sarcasm. They are goddesses and want nothing less than a man who would be god. But the question at this point is, "How does one become God?" or "How do you become the perfect man?"
Now, all women are not so demanding. In fact, most sacrifice more than you can ever imagine just to keep a relationship going. But this is for the select few, who believe that men are `losers', and don't deserve a life because they never will learn how to treat a woman right.
Now I ask you women, "How do you treat a woman right?" Because all you'll ever give any man is this depiction of someone who, believe it or not, does everything perfect as though he were programmed to do so.
So I'm guessing that an android is the perfect man. Someone who'll shut up when asked or cry when required and stays strong just like the heroes in romantic movies and the books you read. Maybe the perfect man is someone created to your likes.
Now, I know that men can really drive women insane. Some have even been so cruel that they've ruined a woman's life, but women have done the same thing, just not that often or maybe more than you know.
But expecting men to change, just because everything is not perfect, is just childish and has no justification.
So in conclusion to all you women who are looking for that perfect man, all the best and I hope you invent one soon. But know this, men will be men and seek not perfection. However, understanding and patient teaching can help them evolve into better beings.
Send in your queries to
a forward by Known Stranger
the closest i have come to the perfect man says Julia
Men will be men. So learn to overlook imperfections with understanding
This one is for the women.
Ask any woman what she thinks about a relationship. And she will paint a picture either so beautiful or so practical, that every man listening to it will strive to achieve that near perfect state.
Maybe not every man, but at least every man who cares or likes that woman.
But women are never satisfied and a constant confusion on what they want will keep you looking for everything short of the Holy Grail (and in some cases, even the Grail itself, you never know).
But ask them why and they'll lash out at you with sarcasm. They are goddesses and want nothing less than a man who would be god. But the question at this point is, "How does one become God?" or "How do you become the perfect man?"
Now, all women are not so demanding. In fact, most sacrifice more than you can ever imagine just to keep a relationship going. But this is for the select few, who believe that men are `losers', and don't deserve a life because they never will learn how to treat a woman right.
Now I ask you women, "How do you treat a woman right?" Because all you'll ever give any man is this depiction of someone who, believe it or not, does everything perfect as though he were programmed to do so.
So I'm guessing that an android is the perfect man. Someone who'll shut up when asked or cry when required and stays strong just like the heroes in romantic movies and the books you read. Maybe the perfect man is someone created to your likes.
Now, I know that men can really drive women insane. Some have even been so cruel that they've ruined a woman's life, but women have done the same thing, just not that often or maybe more than you know.
But expecting men to change, just because everything is not perfect, is just childish and has no justification.
So in conclusion to all you women who are looking for that perfect man, all the best and I hope you invent one soon. But know this, men will be men and seek not perfection. However, understanding and patient teaching can help them evolve into better beings.
Send in your queries to
a forward by Known Stranger
the closest i have come to the perfect man says Julia
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Viva la difference, God is an Argentine

The Moods of a Woman...
An angel of truth and a dream of fiction,
A woman is a bundle of contradiction.
She's afraid of a wasp, will scream at a mouse,
But will tackle a stranger alone in the house.
Sour as vinegar, sweet as a rose,
She'll kiss you one minute, then turn up her nose,
She'll win you in rage, enchant you in silk,
She'll be stronger than brandy, milder than milk.
At times she'll be vengeful, merry and sad,
She'll hate you like poison, and love you like mad.
The Moods of a Man....Hungry.Horny.Sleepy
posted by kandykane @ 9:01 PM 8 comments
kill the MNC's
if u have to eat out
eat Vada Paav not Potato burgers at Mc Donald's
followed by kokam not COKE
or Santra not Scotch
if u need a smoke afterwards
smoke beedies not 555
if u need clothes and u cant wear khadi as Gandhi-ji did
go to your local tailor not PETER ENGLAND or VERSACE
if u need money dont get a credit card from SHITTY BANK
borrow from yr friends and family
if u have to go to church
use your feet not your car and petrol
if u want to celebrate your son's/ daughter's wedding
have an Arya Samaj wedding
eat Vada Paav not Potato burgers at Mc Donald's
followed by kokam not COKE
or Santra not Scotch
if u need a smoke afterwards
smoke beedies not 555
if u need clothes and u cant wear khadi as Gandhi-ji did
go to your local tailor not PETER ENGLAND or VERSACE
if u need money dont get a credit card from SHITTY BANK
borrow from yr friends and family
if u have to go to church
use your feet not your car and petrol
if u want to celebrate your son's/ daughter's wedding
have an Arya Samaj wedding
Friday, June 23, 2006
happy bday Keshi
the most loved and
the most hated girl on planet earth
celebrates her birthday on June 25
(i dont no how many bdays she celebrated yet
my guess is less than 40)
here are some wishes for the bday girl
may her dreamz come true
and may she marry her sweet heart
an old young man of 55
here is an old post of hers
A baby's smile...Waves touching sand...Twighlight skies...Dewdrops on a petal...Tranquil waters...A friend's Hello...Birds chirping...A warm bed...A Mother's kiss...Butterfly dances...Starry nights...A child's giggle...Fireplace chats...A lover's hug...Tender Lips...Dancing leaves...Rhythm of a tune...Summer rains...A beautiful story...A familair voice...Cool breeze...Morning fragrance...Colorful rainbow...A cat's purr...Old friends...New smiles...Comfy shoes...Distant surfers...Ocean spray...Guitar sounds...Scented candles...Rose petals...Warm cuppa...Family love...Good hearts...Chocolate cookies...Quiet time...Peaceful sleep...Yellow daisies...A past lover...Secret moments...An old photo...Sweet dreams...Teddy Bear hugs...Flying kisses....True solace lies in simple things in life...many don't realise it and they seek for it forever.
posted by Keshi @ 10:10 PM 19 comments
Friday, October 29
go here all u annony mouses
Now is the time
to wish her a happy bday
and be friends once again
sweetdumbo2001 (6/24/2006 9:17:58 AM): When u r online ...whose name do u look for first? when a slow song comes on the radio-whose face comes to ur mind first? when u hear ur phone ringing who do u hope it is calling? whose name makes ur heart skip a beat? in the next 60 seconds send this to all the people on ur list and the person that u are thinkin of will do something special to show how much they care about u! if i dont get dis back i guess ur not my friend. If u have alot of love for someone copy and send to ur whole list in 5 mins ur true love will call u!!!!! Just try
the most hated girl on planet earth
celebrates her birthday on June 25
(i dont no how many bdays she celebrated yet
my guess is less than 40)
here are some wishes for the bday girl
may her dreamz come true
and may she marry her sweet heart
an old young man of 55
here is an old post of hers
A baby's smile...Waves touching sand...Twighlight skies...Dewdrops on a petal...Tranquil waters...A friend's Hello...Birds chirping...A warm bed...A Mother's kiss...Butterfly dances...Starry nights...A child's giggle...Fireplace chats...A lover's hug...Tender Lips...Dancing leaves...Rhythm of a tune...Summer rains...A beautiful story...A familair voice...Cool breeze...Morning fragrance...Colorful rainbow...A cat's purr...Old friends...New smiles...Comfy shoes...Distant surfers...Ocean spray...Guitar sounds...Scented candles...Rose petals...Warm cuppa...Family love...Good hearts...Chocolate cookies...Quiet time...Peaceful sleep...Yellow daisies...A past lover...Secret moments...An old photo...Sweet dreams...Teddy Bear hugs...Flying kisses....True solace lies in simple things in life...many don't realise it and they seek for it forever.
posted by Keshi @ 10:10 PM 19 comments
Friday, October 29
go here all u annony mouses
Now is the time
to wish her a happy bday
and be friends once again
sweetdumbo2001 (6/24/2006 9:17:58 AM): When u r online ...whose name do u look for first? when a slow song comes on the radio-whose face comes to ur mind first? when u hear ur phone ringing who do u hope it is calling? whose name makes ur heart skip a beat? in the next 60 seconds send this to all the people on ur list and the person that u are thinkin of will do something special to show how much they care about u! if i dont get dis back i guess ur not my friend. If u have alot of love for someone copy and send to ur whole list in 5 mins ur true love will call u!!!!! Just try
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Bloggers geography
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
dis is for Michele and other dumb blondes
dear God,
As I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more cheer than gloom, spread more cheer than despair.
Never let me become so indifferent, that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child, or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people, make them happy, and forget momentarily, all the unpleasantness in their lives.
And in my final moment, may I hear You whisper: “When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.”
Published: February 27, 2006
Most people who use e-mail now know enough to be on guard against "phishing" messages that pretend to be from a bank or business but are actually attempts to steal passwords and other personal information.
Skip to next paragraph
Protecting Yourself From Keylogging Thieves (February 27, 2006) Audio: What Is Keylogging? - George Waller, the executive vice president of StrikeForce, describes how keylogging works and an upcoming StrikeForce product aimed at preventing keylogging.
But there is evidence that among global cybercriminals, phishing may already be passé.
In some countries, like Brazil, it has been eclipsed by an even more virulent form of electronic con — the use of keylogging programs that silently copy the keystrokes of computer users and send that information to the crooks. These programs are often hidden inside other software and then infect the machine, putting them in the category of malicious programs known as Trojan horses, or just Trojans.
Two weeks ago, Brazilian federal police descended on the northern city of Campina Grande and several surrounding states, and arrested 55 people — at least 9 of them minors — for seeding the computers of unwitting Brazilians with keyloggers that recorded their typing whenever they visited their banks online. The tiny programs then sent the stolen user names and passwords back to members of the gang.
The fraud ring stole about $4.7 million from 200 different accounts at six banks since it began operations last May, according to the Brazilian police. A similar ring, broken up by Russian authorities earlier this month, used keylogging software planted in e-mail messages and hidden in Web sites to draw over $1.1 million from personal bank accounts in France.
These criminals aim to infect the inner workings of computers in much the same way that mischief-making virus writers do. The twist here is that the keylogging programs exploit security flaws and monitor the path that carries data from the keyboard to other parts of the computer. This is a more invasive approach than phishing, which relies on deception rather than infection, tricking people into giving their information to a fake Web site.
The monitoring programs are often hidden inside ordinary software downloads, e-mail attachments or files shared over peer-to-peer networks. They can even be embedded in Web pages, taking advantage of browser features that allow programs to run automatically.
"These Trojans are very selective," said Cristine Hoepers, general manager of Brazil's Computer Emergency Response Team, which runs under the auspices of the country's public-private Internet Steering Committee. "They monitor the Web access the victims make, and start recording information only when the user enters the sites of interest to the fraudster." She added: "In Brazil, we are rarely seeing traditional phishing."
According to data compiled by computer security companies in 2005, the use of "crimeware" like keyloggers to steal user names and passwords — and ultimately cash — has soared. The crimes often cross international borders, and they put Internet users everywhere at risk.
"It's the wave of the future," said Peter Cassidy, the secretary general of the Anti-Phishing Working Group, a consortium of industry and law enforcement partners that fights online fraud and identity theft. "All this stuff is becoming more and more automated and more and more opaque."
Mr. Cassidy's group found that the number of Web sites known to be hiding this kind of malicious code nearly doubled between November and December, rising to more than 1,900. The antivirus company Symantec has reported that half of the malicious software it tracks is designed not to damage computers but to gather personal data. Over the course of 2005, iDefense, a unit of Verisign that provides information on computer security to government and industry clients, counted over 6,000 different keylogger variants — a 65 percent increase over 2004. About one-third of all malicious code tracked by the company now contains some keylogging component, according to Ken Dunham, the company's rapid-response director.
And the SANS Institute, a group that trains and certifies computer security professionals, estimated that at a single moment last fall, as many as 9.9 million machines in the United States were infected with keyloggers of one kind or another, putting as much as $24 billion in bank account assets — and probably much more — literally at the fingertips of fraudsters. John Bambenek, the SANS researcher who made the estimate, suggested that the infection rate was probably much higher.
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As I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more cheer than gloom, spread more cheer than despair.
Never let me become so indifferent, that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child, or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people, make them happy, and forget momentarily, all the unpleasantness in their lives.
And in my final moment, may I hear You whisper: “When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.”
u can see and hear Michele in the video below
sweetdumbo2001 (6/22/2006 11:48:35 AM): Yahoo is shutting down on august 17th. They want to get rid of free messenger. if u delete this and don't pass this on , your name will be deleted. a lot of people have already been deleted . Right click on the group name of your buddy list and click send
Cyberthieves Silently Copy Your Passwords as You TypeBy TOM ZELLER Jr.
Published: February 27, 2006
Most people who use e-mail now know enough to be on guard against "phishing" messages that pretend to be from a bank or business but are actually attempts to steal passwords and other personal information.
Skip to next paragraph
Protecting Yourself From Keylogging Thieves (February 27, 2006) Audio: What Is Keylogging? - George Waller, the executive vice president of StrikeForce, describes how keylogging works and an upcoming StrikeForce product aimed at preventing keylogging.
But there is evidence that among global cybercriminals, phishing may already be passé.
In some countries, like Brazil, it has been eclipsed by an even more virulent form of electronic con — the use of keylogging programs that silently copy the keystrokes of computer users and send that information to the crooks. These programs are often hidden inside other software and then infect the machine, putting them in the category of malicious programs known as Trojan horses, or just Trojans.
Two weeks ago, Brazilian federal police descended on the northern city of Campina Grande and several surrounding states, and arrested 55 people — at least 9 of them minors — for seeding the computers of unwitting Brazilians with keyloggers that recorded their typing whenever they visited their banks online. The tiny programs then sent the stolen user names and passwords back to members of the gang.
The fraud ring stole about $4.7 million from 200 different accounts at six banks since it began operations last May, according to the Brazilian police. A similar ring, broken up by Russian authorities earlier this month, used keylogging software planted in e-mail messages and hidden in Web sites to draw over $1.1 million from personal bank accounts in France.
These criminals aim to infect the inner workings of computers in much the same way that mischief-making virus writers do. The twist here is that the keylogging programs exploit security flaws and monitor the path that carries data from the keyboard to other parts of the computer. This is a more invasive approach than phishing, which relies on deception rather than infection, tricking people into giving their information to a fake Web site.
The monitoring programs are often hidden inside ordinary software downloads, e-mail attachments or files shared over peer-to-peer networks. They can even be embedded in Web pages, taking advantage of browser features that allow programs to run automatically.
"These Trojans are very selective," said Cristine Hoepers, general manager of Brazil's Computer Emergency Response Team, which runs under the auspices of the country's public-private Internet Steering Committee. "They monitor the Web access the victims make, and start recording information only when the user enters the sites of interest to the fraudster." She added: "In Brazil, we are rarely seeing traditional phishing."
According to data compiled by computer security companies in 2005, the use of "crimeware" like keyloggers to steal user names and passwords — and ultimately cash — has soared. The crimes often cross international borders, and they put Internet users everywhere at risk.
"It's the wave of the future," said Peter Cassidy, the secretary general of the Anti-Phishing Working Group, a consortium of industry and law enforcement partners that fights online fraud and identity theft. "All this stuff is becoming more and more automated and more and more opaque."
Mr. Cassidy's group found that the number of Web sites known to be hiding this kind of malicious code nearly doubled between November and December, rising to more than 1,900. The antivirus company Symantec has reported that half of the malicious software it tracks is designed not to damage computers but to gather personal data. Over the course of 2005, iDefense, a unit of Verisign that provides information on computer security to government and industry clients, counted over 6,000 different keylogger variants — a 65 percent increase over 2004. About one-third of all malicious code tracked by the company now contains some keylogging component, according to Ken Dunham, the company's rapid-response director.
And the SANS Institute, a group that trains and certifies computer security professionals, estimated that at a single moment last fall, as many as 9.9 million machines in the United States were infected with keyloggers of one kind or another, putting as much as $24 billion in bank account assets — and probably much more — literally at the fingertips of fraudsters. John Bambenek, the SANS researcher who made the estimate, suggested that the infection rate was probably much higher.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
why shud the rich only eat ice cream ?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Jazz Coffee and Vest

.pics by ..
Michele is closing JAZZ COFFEE shop
the Brasil team was fotographed by Caraf
the front row have the killer looks
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Pakistan, India, Feroz Khan and secularism
India is secular unlike Pakistan: Feroz Khan
Faridoon Shahryar/ IndiaFM News BureauPosted online: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 1246 hours ISTUpdated: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 1249 hours IST
Mumbai, May 23: "I am the most compassionate man in the world," said Feroz Khan in a television interview a couple of days after President Pervez Musharraf banned his entry into Pakistan for his alleged 'anti-Pakistan' statements during the premier of Akbar Khan's Taj Mahal in Lahore.
It was widely reported that Khan had misbehaved with Television anchor Faqr-e-Alam in an inebriated state.
He also admitted saying that 'India is a secular country where a Sikh Prime Minister and a Muslim President are the pride of the nation, unlike Pakistan which was created for Muslims but where Muslims are killing each other'.
BJP general secretary Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi lauded Feroz Khan for his dare-devilry inciting Akbar Khan who promised to sue the politician for causing a rift between the two nations by making provocative statements. It’s high time we deconstructed the man at the centre of this heated controversy and set the record straight.
Feroz Khan is the eldest of the three celebrity brothers Sanjay and Akbar Khan. In a career spanning forty years, he has produced, directed and acted in trendsetting films like Qurbani, Jaanbaaz, Apraadh, Dharmatma and Dayavaan.
More Entertainment Headlines
A new worm that targets Yahoo e-mail users is on the loose, taking advantage of an JavaScript flaw, a security company has warned.
The Yamanner worm targets all versions of Yahoo Web-based mail except the latest beta version, Symantec said in an advisory released Monday.
At the time of the advisory, there was no patch for the vulnerability. But by later on Monday, Yahoo said it had come up with a fix for the flaw, which it said had affected very few of its customers.
"We have taken steps to resolve the issue and protect our users from further attacks of this worm. The solution has been automatically distributed to all Yahoo Mail customers, and requires no additional action on the part of the user," a Yahoo representative said.
Both Yahoo and Symantec are encouraging people to update the antivirus definitions on their PCs.
Yamanner arrives in a Yahoo mailbox bearing the subject header "New Graphic Site." Once the message is opened, the computer becomes infected and the worm spreads itself to people on the Yahoo e-mail contact list. The harvested e-mail addresses are also sent to a remote online server, which Symantec suspects may use the information for spam campaigns.
"The worm is taking a pretty novel approach," said Dean Turner, senior manager of Symantec Security Response. "It takes advantage of a JavaScript vulnerability, so the user doesn't even have to click on an attachment to get infected."
Yamanner exploits the Yahoo flaw by enabling the scripts that are embedded in HTML e-mails to be run by the user's Web browser.
The worm, which was spotted in the wild early this morning, has hit the remote server more than 100,000 times, forwarding Yahoo e-mail addresses harvested from unsuspecting users, Turner said.
Although the worm is spreading quickly, and no patch has been issued, Symantec is rating the threat a "2." The security vendor uses a 1-to-5 rating system, with "5" as its most severe category.
"Antivirus definitions have been released for it, and Yahoo is working on a patch, so we don't want to cry wolf," Turner said. "Although there is the potential the worm will affect a larger number of people, for now to raise it to another (higher) level would be inappropriate."
He added it is premature to predict whether this worm will morph into other forms and attack other browser-based forms of e-mail, such as Google's Gmail.
Systems affected include Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, according to Symantec's advisory.
Faridoon Shahryar/ IndiaFM News BureauPosted online: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 1246 hours ISTUpdated: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 1249 hours IST
Mumbai, May 23: "I am the most compassionate man in the world," said Feroz Khan in a television interview a couple of days after President Pervez Musharraf banned his entry into Pakistan for his alleged 'anti-Pakistan' statements during the premier of Akbar Khan's Taj Mahal in Lahore.
It was widely reported that Khan had misbehaved with Television anchor Faqr-e-Alam in an inebriated state.
He also admitted saying that 'India is a secular country where a Sikh Prime Minister and a Muslim President are the pride of the nation, unlike Pakistan which was created for Muslims but where Muslims are killing each other'.
BJP general secretary Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi lauded Feroz Khan for his dare-devilry inciting Akbar Khan who promised to sue the politician for causing a rift between the two nations by making provocative statements. It’s high time we deconstructed the man at the centre of this heated controversy and set the record straight.
Feroz Khan is the eldest of the three celebrity brothers Sanjay and Akbar Khan. In a career spanning forty years, he has produced, directed and acted in trendsetting films like Qurbani, Jaanbaaz, Apraadh, Dharmatma and Dayavaan.
More Entertainment Headlines
A new worm that targets Yahoo e-mail users is on the loose, taking advantage of an JavaScript flaw, a security company has warned.
The Yamanner worm targets all versions of Yahoo Web-based mail except the latest beta version, Symantec said in an advisory released Monday.
At the time of the advisory, there was no patch for the vulnerability. But by later on Monday, Yahoo said it had come up with a fix for the flaw, which it said had affected very few of its customers.
"We have taken steps to resolve the issue and protect our users from further attacks of this worm. The solution has been automatically distributed to all Yahoo Mail customers, and requires no additional action on the part of the user," a Yahoo representative said.
Both Yahoo and Symantec are encouraging people to update the antivirus definitions on their PCs.
Yamanner arrives in a Yahoo mailbox bearing the subject header "New Graphic Site." Once the message is opened, the computer becomes infected and the worm spreads itself to people on the Yahoo e-mail contact list. The harvested e-mail addresses are also sent to a remote online server, which Symantec suspects may use the information for spam campaigns.
"The worm is taking a pretty novel approach," said Dean Turner, senior manager of Symantec Security Response. "It takes advantage of a JavaScript vulnerability, so the user doesn't even have to click on an attachment to get infected."
Yamanner exploits the Yahoo flaw by enabling the scripts that are embedded in HTML e-mails to be run by the user's Web browser.
The worm, which was spotted in the wild early this morning, has hit the remote server more than 100,000 times, forwarding Yahoo e-mail addresses harvested from unsuspecting users, Turner said.
Although the worm is spreading quickly, and no patch has been issued, Symantec is rating the threat a "2." The security vendor uses a 1-to-5 rating system, with "5" as its most severe category.
"Antivirus definitions have been released for it, and Yahoo is working on a patch, so we don't want to cry wolf," Turner said. "Although there is the potential the worm will affect a larger number of people, for now to raise it to another (higher) level would be inappropriate."
He added it is premature to predict whether this worm will morph into other forms and attack other browser-based forms of e-mail, such as Google's Gmail.
Systems affected include Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, according to Symantec's advisory.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
USA licked

USA licked
these guys shud stick to pan cake football (rugger, brawn and no skills)
base ball and not cricket
the best pic u see here
used to belong to star bender, USA
Next Matches: 13-Jun-06
6:30pm -
South Korea vs. Togo
9:30pm -
France vs. Switzerland
12:30am -
Brazil vs. Croatia
janice is tinking of me
CAUTION: mushy stuff follows
Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are good to buy, but sweet people are difficult to find. Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing, love ends when you stop caring, friendship ends when you stop sharing. Share this with whom ever you consider a friend. To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason, and to care without expectation, is the heart of a true friend. Honour the people whom u consider as your true friend. Dont forget to send it back to ME if i'm your true friend
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