Thursday, April 14, 2005

any body needs a friend ? ......
u have a friend in Jesus and Pearl

do visit Pearl


Keshi said...

But true friends are so rare...and when found you'll realise they are like pearls found in mud...


Anonymous said...

Scribes heralded the rapid ascension of John Paul to a saintly throne, while the gang of international Pharisees, led by George Bush, sat shoulder-to-shoulder in ring-side seats beside those whom they planned to kill as soon as the show was over. As I watched them preening and praying before the cameras, I was reminded of the righteous anger of Jesus in Luke 11:43-44

themadamefiles said...

Saby - you are so wonderful ;-)
I added comments to all your recent ones you left on my blog - go check them out. Reading your posts is the highlight of my day!!
Mme X