Thursday, December 28, 2006

This S#%t drives me CRAZY!!!#links

This S#%t drives me CRAZY!!!#links

Karen is leaving
she sent me her pic


Anonymous said...

i sure hope she is only doing a KESHI

Anonymous said...

Guess the s#%t finally drove her crazy...

Jim said...


u must visit Southpaw
we are birds of a feather

we r the underdogs

Anonymous said...

saby said...
Karen is leaving
please tel her not to go

i can do widout KESHI
but i cant live widout Karen

5:03 PM

Anonymous said...

A couple from Earth has finally saved up enough money to take a vacation on Mars (they could do that then). So they go to mars and meet a martian couple and start talking about they way they do things and come to the subject of sex. They decide to switch partners for the night to see what happens.

The human woman and the man martian go into a room and the martian strips but his thing is the size of a pencil (whoa), and the woman says, "um, how is this going to work?"
The martian man replies "Oh, not big enough? Okay then."

All of a sudden he starts slapping his forehead and his thing grows longer. "Um, that's good but isn't it still a little thin?
"No problem" the martian man replies.
Then he starts pulling his ears and it grows wider.
The woman is amazed by this and they have wonderful sex.

The next day they meet and the human man asks his wife how it was and she said "Oh my, it was wonderful! How was your night?"

The man replied, "It was awful!!
The martian woman kept slapping my forehead and puling my ears!"

Jim said...

poor SOUTH

Anonymous said...

We are at that very point in time when a 400-year-old age is dying and another is struggling to be born - a shifting of culture, science, society and institutions enormously greater than the world has ever experienced. Ahead, the possibility of regeneration of individuality, liberty, community and ethics such as the world has never known, and a harmony with nature, with one another and with the divine intelligence such as the world has always dreamed.

More quotes from Dee W. Hock

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha, atleast i didnt got lost inside the cave like u saby...

starbender said...

that's close,
...but I'm hotter
than that...


' ]

Anonymous said...

Now thats intriguing...