Vile and sinful though my heart may be,
Fully trusting,
Lord, I come to Thee;
Thou hast pow'r to cleanse and make me free:
I am coming home.
Coming home, Coming home,
No longer in the path of sin to roam;
I'm coming home, coming home,
Lord Jesus, I am coming home.
Like a father seeks a wayward child,
Thou hast sought me o'er the desert wild;
Sick and helpless by my sin defiled,
I am coming home.
Pleading tenderly,
Thy voice I hear;
Why should I refuse a Friend so dear?
Thou wilt take away my guilt and fear;
I am coming home.
There is hope alone in Thee, I know;
I am coming home.
Good Night, God...
At the end of the day,
let me not dwell on my failures
or recount my disappointments.
Let my heart not be heavy over the day's frustrations,
the cold voices, and minor vexations.
Remind me that there's so much more to life than worry,
pain and trivial strife.
Let me not be blind to each tiny pleasure.
Remind me that each little blessing is something to treasure.
Let me hear children's laughter, the voice of a dear friend;
and let the warm memories revive me... when a long day ends.
And wrap me tight in your arms, once my worries depart;
never let me forget your love, lest I forget my heart.
You are always welcome...
at my home (blog) Saby!
Take care!
I just came to say FUCK OFF SABY. Dun u ever think u can get into my blog again. U blew it up big this time. So consider yourself a born LOSER.
And ADIOS from me this time!
some folks can really hate
its christmas keshi
time to forgive and forget (the bad times)
remember the good times
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