BUSH and BLAIR went on crusade
OSAMA went into JEHAD mode, poor SADDAM got hit- the sacrificial lamb

IRAN got defiant and Korea and ISRAEL and USA defying the UN to bomb poor SADDAM for non existent WMD
and INDIA was welcomed to the NUCLEAR CLUB by BUSH
I dont give a damn for POLLY TICS
in my life, i had many UP's and DOWN's
... to be continued
UP's (it was the year of blondes)
- June, Mary from Spain, Margie, Kai, Allison, Awaiting
- Keshi revealed more of her, and M00nie too
- Karen, Michele- the top less waiter from JAZZ COFFEE
- Shaee, Adrienne, Kim, Fran, Jennifer, Shannon, Sky Lynn
- Vest, PUGS, Tsmom, Vest rote a book on his wild oats days
- South, Uttara, Sophie, Kathy
- Annie, Cara, Known stranger
- De Vile, Looney became adults much too soon,
DOWN's (I dont no when to shut the Fuck up)
- kitten stopped blogging and caraf too
- awaiting after a blistering romance, ditched m
- fira went into hiding when keshi came gunning for him
- i lost janice forever
- karen said bye but not good bye
- michele called me an asshole, like wise keshi and de vile and ashley
- kerry disappeared and Ori too after keshi didnt say yes (she didnt say No too) and Rhiannon
- annie stopped blogging when i kept on posting hott stuff on her blog
- arz00nie came back to keshi
- JAY insisted dat his cats will stay on the bed when he makes love to his girl, in the height of passion, JAY was cot caressing the rong pussy. She left him.
- Me Miranda, Rex, TT, Ashes, Keshi, Minnie and other annony mouses, sexy michele from PUNE
But then ..
hear it here
Go here for pics of these guys http://imnutsincaps.blogspot.com/2005/07/my-new-friendz.html
Everything must change
Nothing stays the same
Everyone must change
No one stays the same
The young become the old
And mysteries do unfold
Cause that's the way of time
Nothing and no one goes unchanged
There are not many things in life
You can be sure of
Except rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
And hummingbirds do fly
Winter turns to spring
A wounded heart will heal
But never much too soon
Yes everything must change
The young become the old
And mysteries do unfold
Cause that's the way of time
Nothing and no one goes unchanged
There are not many things in life
You can be sure of
Except rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
And butterflies do fly
Rain comes from the clouds
Sun lights up the sky
And music
And music
Makes me cry
There was this lady who was in the shower & her little boy walked in on her taking a shower & he saw her pubic hairs & says:
"Mommy what's that?" as he pointed down to her.
"Well, that's Mommy's washcloth."
The next day he walked in on her again, & asked her again & she says it was her washcloth. Well, this time when he walked out she shaved it off because she got tired of him asking.
So the next day when he walked in on her, he asks:
"Mommy what happened to your washcloth?"
"Uh, Mommy lost it." So the little boy walked out.
The next day he walked in on his mom & says:
"Hey Mommy, the maid found your washcloth & she is washing Daddy's face with it!"
I was riding on the Mayflower
When I thought I spied some land
I yelled for Captain Arab
I have yuh understand
Who came running to the deck
Said, "Boys, forget the whale
Look on over yonder
Cut the engines
Change the sail
Haul on the bowline"
We sang that melody
Like all tough sailors do
When they are far away at sea
"I think I'll call it America"
I said as we hit land
I took a deep breath
I fell down, I could not stand
Captain Arab he started
Writing up some deeds
He said, "Let's set up a fort
And start buying the place with beads"
Just then this cop comes down the street
Crazy as a loon
He throw us all in jail
For carryin' harpoons
Ah me I busted out
Don't even ask me how
I went to get some help
I walked by a Guernsey cow
Who directed me down
To the Bowery slums
Where people carried signs around
Saying, "Ban the bums"
I jumped right into line
Sayin', "I hope that I'm not late"
When I realized I hadn't eaten
For five days straight
I went into a restaurant
Lookin' for the cook
I told them I was the editor
Of a famous etiquette book
The waitress he was handsome
He wore a powder blue cape
I ordered some suzette, I said
"Could you please make that crepe"
Just then the whole kitchen exploded
From boilin' fat
Food was flying everywhere
And I left without my hat
Now, I didn't mean to be nosy
But I went into a bank
To get some bail for Arab
And all the boys back in the tank
They asked me for some collateral
And I pulled down my pants
They threw me in the alley
When up comes this girl from France
Who invited me to her house
I went, but she had a friend
Who knocked me out
And robbed my boots
And I was on the street again
Well, I rapped upon a house
With the U.S. flag upon display
I said, "Could you help me out
I got some friends down the way"
The man says, "Get out of here
I'll tear you limb from limb"
I said, "You know they refused Jesus, too"
He said, "You're not Him
Get out of here before I break your bones
I ain't your pop"
I decided to have him arrested
And I went looking for a cop
I ran right outside
And I hopped inside a cab
I went out the other door
This Englishman said, "Fab"
As he saw me leap a hot dog stand
And a chariot that stood
Parked across from a building
Advertising brotherhood
I ran right through the front door
Like a hobo sailor does
But it was just a funeral parlor
And the man asked me who I was
I repeated that my friends
Were all in jail, with a sigh
He gave me his card
He said, "Call me if they die"
I shook his hand and said goodbye
Ran out to the street
When a bowling ball came down the road
And knocked me off my feet
A pay phone was ringing
It just about blew my mind
When I picked it up and said hello
This foot came through the line
Well, by this time I was fed up
At tryin' to make a stab
At bringin' back any help
For my friends and Captain Arab
I decided to flip a coin
Like either heads or tails
Would let me know if I should go
Back to ship or back to jail
So I hocked my sailor suit
And I got a coin to flip
It came up tails
It rhymed with sails
So I made it back to the ship
Well, I got back and took
The parkin' ticket off the mast
I was ripping it to shreds
When this coastguard boat went past
They asked me my name
And I said, "Captain Kidd"
They believed me but
They wanted to know
What exactly that I did
I said for the Pope of Eruke
I was employed
They let me go right away
They were very paranoid
Well, the last I heard of Arab
He was stuck on a whale
That was married to the deputy
Sheriff of the jail
But the funniest thing was
When I was leavin' the bay
I saw three ships a-sailin'
They were all heading my way
I asked the captain what his name was
And how come he didn't drive a truck
He said his name was Columbus
I just said, "Good luck."
dat as bob Dylan
u certainly hv a beeger and a better one...
Saby :
Bapu.....Bole To Apun Ko Aaj Kal Ek Problem ho Gaaela Hai ???
Bapu :
Bolo Saby . Dil Khol Ke Bolo .
Saby :
Apun Ko Aaj Kal ..... Bole To Koi apne blog pe comment Nahi Karta.
Sala Sab Log Eede Ho Gaaele Hein...!!!
Bapu :
Aise Nahin Bolte Saby. Mere Paas Iis Ka Hal Hai. Rasta Muskil Hai
Lekni Jeet Pakki Hai.
Saby :
Bolo Bapu Bolo, Agar Tumko Confidence Hai To apun Ye Kaam Karega.
Bapu :
To Suno. Tum dusronke blog mein comment Karte Raho. Tab Tak Karte Raho... Jab Tak Tumhe Koi
comment Nahin Karta. Kabhie To Unka Hirdaya Parivartan Hoga. Woh Bhi
Tumhe blog read Karenge aur comment karenge........
Saby :
Thank U Bapu Thank U.. Apun Yeich Karega
aayeela kai idea
tech majee idea hoti
ha pad
Makes You Think
If you have the capacity to do so.
And it's actually not really worth thinking about that much.
Anonymous Troll stopped by to try and hurt my feelings by leaving this lame comment on my last post:
u r sillyputting up a link on your blog is like advertizing on a paper nobody reads
Learn to spell, A.T.
I'm crying a river.
Beyond that, I could give a rare rat's ass how many people read this, or any of my other blogs. My favorites among my blogs are actually a couple that only one person comments on at this point! We have a lot of fun and that's far better than getting numerous hits by people who lack the sense of humor to get what you're saying, or who are such losers that they have nothing better to do than to troll around trying to upset people.
Just so trolls know, it only brands you as a useless, cowardly ass when you aren't even willing to put your name to your shit. You are the kind of person that could commit suicide and no-one would care.
Harmless anonymous comments or anonymous comments where someone is divulging something personal are NOT troll comments.
If you have something stupid and derogatory to say, at least have the chutzpah to put your damn name on it! Then, even though you may be an asshole, at least you're not a troll. Which is a cut below raw sewage on the desireability scale.
Posted by Cheesemeister at 10:37 PM 15 comments Links to this post
to mi hoto
u are funny saby
reactions from public and a lesson to be learned
Um Abdullah, a Sunni and teacher in Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad, said she would wear black to mourn the city's favorite son.
"Saddam will be a hero in our eyes," she said. "I have five kids and I will teach them to take revenge on Americans."
"He's gone, but our problems continue," said the Shiite Muslim, whose uncle was killed in one of Saddam's many brutal purges. "We brought problems on ourselves after Saddam because we began fighting Shiite on Sunni and Sunni on Shiite."
There was no sign of a feared Sunni uprising in retaliation for the execution, and the bloodshed from civil warfare was not far off the daily average — 92 from bombings and death squads.
"In my opinion, something big is going to happen," said Earp, of Colorado Springs, Colo. "There will be a response. Probably not today because they know we are looking for one, but soon."
Lets learn the lesson from what the world is witnessing today and lets strive to make the world better..
Peace,Love and 'Fighting injustice' is the motto for 2007
'I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the
good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.'
Glad u think m sexy lol happy new year! have a good one!
Anonymous said...
i want u guys to no
i have done a course in Art Appreciation and Literature
and dis SHIT does not qualify in either category
Fri Dec 29, 11:44:02 AM IST
saby said...
wishing u a happy new year
dat guy above is really nasty
who he?
Sun Dec 31, 07:42:10 PM IST
who know who he is. any way - i am guy accepts any kind of comments. it doesnt make me so offended like many other fellow bloggers. once we had come public, we should have the patience to accept any kind and every kind of comments and remarks.
if not we should remain in toilet smelling out own shit. what do you say the most wise person saby ?
happy new year - it has born to me.
Lets learn the lesson from what the world is witnessing today and lets strive to make the world better..
Peace,Love and 'Fighting injustice' is the motto for 2007
'I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the
good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.'
-Gandhi ,
I swear I did this last night--
H A P P Y ~NEW~ Y E A R !!!!!
May Your Year Be Joyous-
Hope it's a year for all of the misunderstandings of the World 2 just disappear!
(it might have been the post below!)
When I was born I was so surprised I didn`t talk for a year and a half.
More quotes from Gracie Allen
happy new year
i love the last bit ... that be some song lyrics ? which ones if yes?
u think ive become an adult too much soon? HA!
Happy New Year :)
Everything must change
george Benson
the other about Columbus and america is by Bob Dylan
who else!
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