Front page of Times International of TOI Mumbai edition dated July 25
i 'll be damned!
planning on taking blogging seriously
didnt no there was maney in it
where does it say she won anything for blogging? sorry I didnt read her entire blog... :)
Im lost too Keshi.
This is the last time the commitee will tolerate your absence from your window cleaning duties at ITCC's office towers.
It is in your best interest that you report to work on time. Your working hours are 5:30am to 10pm with an allotted half hour break at your convenience.
The committee has also received complaints from staff that you have been regularly soaking your dentures in the coffee cups. This is an unpleasant sight. Please treat this as a last warning and refrain from such undesirable activity.
See you tomorrow at 5:30am on the DOT.
Thank you.
Keshi dumbass,
her blogg dont say so
The TOI says so
she is modest
unlike the IT crowd and Pithaly
who passes on corrupted Stones lyrics as his wown
Intimate blog spawns book, TV deal
Netizens Throng New York Woman’s Racy, Candid Webpage
By Stephanie Rosenbloom
IT’S addictive,’’ Meredith Balossini said. “There’s compassion. There’s want. There’s misery.’’ Balossini, 28, an executive secretary from New Jersey, wasn’t describing a hot summer beach read but a blog about the trysts, triumphs and heartaches of a young New York City woman named Stephanie Klein.
Since January 20, 2004, Klein, a 29-year-old art director with freckles and long red curls like Botticelli’s Venus, has been blogging about the intimate details of her life, from her affinity for rainy days and grilled cheese sandwiches to her sexual escapades, including one that involved a stranger and a can of Pam cooking spray. Today the blog has an international readership with fans who recognise Klein when they see her gallivanting around Manhattan and the Hamptons, and who find parallels to their own lives in her candid, freewheeling stories.
According to Technorati, which ranks blogs based on “net attention’’, Klein’s blog has a rank of 2,132 of the world’s more than 13 million blogs. “That would put her in the top 1% of all bloggers,’’ said David L Sifry, of Technorati.
Klein’s celebrity has outgrown the web, leading to a book and TV deal. Her memoir, Straight Up and Dirty, is to be published by Regan-Books, a HarperCollins imprint, in April 2006, and NBC is developing the book into a half-hour comedy series. Klein is also working on a second book. Her trademark candour did not extend to the exact advance for her books, but she allowed that Publishers Marketplace, an industry publication, had described it as a “major deal’’, meaning $501,000 or more.
Klein’s blog is a voyeur’s playground, with many photos of Klein, her friends and the swanky places they go. But the allure is muted by accounts of Klein’s childhood summers at fat camp, the husband she says cheated on her when she was pregnant, her subsequent abortion and her ongoing quest for love. Nothing, it seems, is too private not to share with readers.
The blog is called Greek Tragedy (www.stephanieklein.blogs.com). Onthe blog, Klein describes her Hamptons share house, her $55 tank tops and her photography, some of which hangs in the Hotel Gansevoort in the meatpacking district. Her anecdotes include a recent one about a woman who forcibly kissed her outside a Carvel store. “When you’re honest,’’ Klein said, “you can’t be boring.’’ NYT News Service
DIGGING UP THE DIRT: Stephanie Klein gathers material for her blog at Angelo and Maxie’s bar in New York
I was gonna comment, but the comment from IT commitee had me cracking up. hehehee
hiiiiiiiiii sabyyyyyyyyyyyy
alright Saby...so?? LOL!
That's you and me baby!
But when are they going to make a movie about your blogs and ideas? Will it be a little risqué? And which lucky Hollywood star will get to play you?
Below is from ArzOOOn's blog:
Dance “Let’s get retarded” from Elephunk in my room all(or partially) naked. Last time I tried a similar stunt, I was 11 yrs old in my undies and my gramma caught me dancing on tunes of Macarena. No doubt I got spanked after that. (so far macarena has been a gay anthem. Proves that lil zoonie had gay tendencies all along)
Fart in a jam packed elevator without getting pointed at. (this is definitely an uncivilized act!. No wonder he stinks)
Pee while in one of the pools in water kingdom. I missed doing that when I was there last year with my friends, but I sure tried that out during my trip to Alibaug 5 years back. Hope, like breath-analyzer, they don’t have something called as trunk-analyzer, to see if I peed in my trunks. I’ll be so screwed then. (A grown man peeing in the lake where other kids are playing in water kingdom.Gay pervert?)
You Give Me The Heebie Jeebiez Zoon
12:12 AM, July 24, 2005
More Gay thoughts By Zoon
Scream my balls (I mean eye-balls) out in one of Avril Lavigne’s LIVE concert. (Is this an advertisment for all the gays out there to know that you got balls? oops eye balls? lol good and subtle advertising!)
Call a random cell number and pray hard to hear voice of a sweet chick at the other end. Boy, I never tried that in my entire life, not even from land line. (Notice he uses the word BOY here?)
Pee in the toilets of every wonder of the world I visit. Then come up with a blog named, My Seven PEE’d Wonders of the World. (I always wished to pee in women’s toilet, but don’t think it’s gonna come true now.) (Yup, gay men love public toilets. Remember the George Michael parkside toilet incident? Zoon you catch onto ideas fast!)
12:24 AM, July 24, 2005
More from Zoon
Desperate Housewives it is!! (It was long, but fruitful wait for Sex and the City. I instantly fell in love with Cynthia Nixon and Charlotte. Both are cute [read sexy])
Zoon did ya know that Desperate Housewives serial was made by a bunch of gay directors? They say that a woman all decked up and mowing the lawn is definitely drag queenish?
Get the point mate?
12:32 AM, July 24, 2005
Just so you know that I am not lying...read this dude
12:37 AM, July 24, 2005
dis Rex sure is slow on the uptake
the lead heroine is ...
evry body nos
apparently Rex dont visit ITCC
, , Good Advice for bloggers desirous of amking beeg bucks, ,
"My obligation, first and foremost, is to entertain," Cherry told The Associated Press. "If the stories I do have some kind of emotional resonance for the viewers or perhaps some social significance, that's great. But I don't start with that. I don't start with an agenda."
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