A recap on India-US relations ....
George Fernandes threw out IBM and Coke out of India
... Janata regime
Sorry pal, we (BJP/RSS/Shiv Sena)
the right guys want to send our boys to Iraq,
but the damn Leftists in the coalition say 'NO',
so i gotta tell u like it is 'Piss Off!'
Condeleeza Reis in INDIA,
'dont buy gas from Iran, we give u Nuclear Power and a permanent seat in the UNSC'
'Dont buy Air-Bus, buy Boeing '
Vajpayee cudnt find a reson to say No, though he prefers french wine and food and Air-France girls
Wat happened then is ...
Our Jawans didnt go to Iran, but they are dying in Kashmir
- tanks to Bush's close ally- Gen Mush in Pakistan
Now Manmohan Sign nos wat to expect in the US of A
PS: the media all over the world is biased
they need ADVT from american corporations
hear the other side about IRAQ from
Breaking News:
G4 resolution will be put to vote; decision after meeting AU
The resolution by India and three other countries seeking permanent seats in UN Security Council will be put to vote inspite of US opposition, but a final decision will be taken after tomorrow's meeting of their foreign ministers with counterparts from Africa, diplomats have said.
"Absolutely," Indian UN Ambassador Nirupam Sen told reporters when asked if the G4 comprising India, Japan, Germany and Brazil would seek a vote despite strong opposition from the US on their proposals.
PS: the guy in the pic is not Bush
it is Rexxxx, the Casanova
shit, you call this a blog, why don't you put in some content that makes sense.
talk about BORING....
thanks for the rude comment at my blog!!
go take your dumps somewhere else.
u guys talk about rude
HA! dats a joke
some want dem beeger
some want dem smaller
'85% of american woomen are wearing the rong bra size'
-says Oprah
saby said...
, , heyyy se7en
ur funny
u call dat rude ?, ,
well listen to dis: the american flag is painted on the streets of IRAQ and
guys walk on it
and doggs pee on it
but honestly,
i love americans
my best friends are americans
its only dat u guys were sozzled when u voted BUSH!
OK, se7en,
if u can digest dis widout loosing yr cool
u gott a friend for life
or i just made an enemy for life
but any way, i am glad i wont be bored by yr blogg no more
12:04 AM
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East or West Bush is the Best
Bush ROKS!
lol is this a pic of a bad bad misbahving yank?
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