imnutsincaps: The Real Scoop on Sex ....
dis guy rote dis a while back
and i was too sozzled to read let alone understand
now, making another attempt
my great beyond.... by Diffy , when i first read it i tot he had ritten behind
As the ketchup bottle stops spinning the head points to this chum of mine...someone randomly asks ....so y do u stay around this guy?...pat comes the reply...all giggle ...and the truth or dare continues...
Few days later n a few probes later....i realise...i have been looked up at for the most intriguing reason...sumthin pretty bizzare...'I Can't Be Understood'...nope it aint that i was misunderstood...from wot i have gathered...its not a word...not a sentence...not my funny accent...not my choices...it was a generic entirety...week after week...month after month....
I can now picture..the observer of my life...my dreams..waking up every friday n saturday..eating cereals...doing chores ..going to werk...and then saying to herself...ok now enuff of all this time pass...its beer time ....now lets do some serious business.."lemme not understand this shorty again".......on recapitulation this has been going on fer a while...a part of thisones time was setaside year in year out to - not understand me!!
Now i feel humbled by such dedication.Wot cud have motivated such single minded devotion to incomprehension? Through out my life i have been a lil afraid /nervous...n excited to be explored.Ummm....its like hide n seek...like when an urchin is hiding ...wanting to be found...yet hoping he wont be...i wud love to be understood...i wud love to be an alternative...an acceptable company ...a sponge to soak...yet look lost...lonely ...hurt!!
But a black hole...noway...Now i think to meself...for all that my freind knew..i was collapsing inside....and she was getting her share of high fives from me...i was enjoying the music and she was feeling listened to....i was dancing for meself and she was tangoing by my side...
And then it struck to me how supreme my buddy is...I now believe dat...when we know something...and we understand ...we jus stand under em'...bound by their specific limitations...stick within the boundaries...and jus try to push an elephant up the stairs.
On the other hand when we dont know sumthing ...when we 'dont understand'..
we over-stand em'...we make a vantage point...of dat thingy..which helps us to make what we want of the person of our scrutiny.....ummm...like a white cloth...on which we may project according to our fantasies sumthin wid any or no meaning at all!!!
This is somethin' i jus cant help sharing..thanks for reading...and understanding :) !!
i will have to read it again
1 comment:
ok then :)
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