Sunday, May 01, 2005

Marx - Engels - Lenin ........

these are the guys who fought and spoke out for Worker's Rights

.The fight for the 8-hour working day in the United States in the 1880s was the issue that gave birth to 1 May as International Labour Day.

Dis didnt come easy ...
Hence Red, yes it was the commies who first shed their blood for worker's rights

Marx held that the foundations of reality lay in the material base of economics rather than in the abstract thought of idealistic philosophy. He earned a doctorate at Jena in 1841, writing on the materialism and atheism of Greek atomists, then moved to Köln, where he founded and edited a radical newspaper, Rheinische Zeitung. Although he also attempted to earn a living as a journalist in Paris and Brussels, Marx's participation in unpopular political movements made it difficult to support his growing family. He finally settled in London in 1849, where he lived in poverty while studying and developing his economic and political theories. Above all else, Marx believed that philosophy ought to be employed in practice to change the world.
The core of Marx's economic analysis found early expression in the Ökonomisch-philosophische Manuskripte aus dem Jahre 1844 (Economic and Political Manuscripts of 1844) (1844). There, Marx argued that the conditions of modern industrial societies invariably result in the estrangement (or alienation) of workers from their own labor. In his review of a Bruno Baier book, On the Jewish Question (1844), Marx decried the lingering influence of religion over politics and proposed a revolutionary re-structuring of European society. Much later, Marx undertook a systematic explanation of his economic theories in Das Capital (Capital) (1867-95) and Theorien Über den Mehrwert (Theory of Surplus Value) (1862).

Marx and his colleague Friedrich Engels issued the Manifest der kommunistischen Partei (Communist Manifesto) (1848) in the explicit hope of precipitating social revolution. This work describes the class struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie, distinguishes communism from other socialist movements, proposes a list of specific social reforms, and urges all workers to unite in revolution against existing regimes. (You may wish to compare this prophetic document with the later exposition of similar principles in Lenin's State and Revolution (1919).)

For Lenin, dis space is not sufficient go to


Anonymous said...

If your present religion isn’t the most important thing in your life, then skip it. Find whatever impels you most and make that your religion.

Religions are easy to invent. Most traditional religions have little or nothing to do with reality, are dependent on obfuscation, interpretation, guilt, and unreasoning faith—some more than others.

Anonymous said...

So, you can see that Saby has a religon, Keshi has her religon.

All bloggers are addicted to their blog identities, because they have created their own religon, with their own set of rules.

Anonymous said...

And the really surprising thing is, that while each profess (or I am sure aim to profess their so-called modernity, (while calling Saby Pope a grave-digger!), all are merely conforming to a norm, and a strict structure.

See Firacubs blogsite. Same from top to bottom. Look at Keshi's site. She loves fashion, which means things should look good. So should her site. Poor thing: She so loves to have her site neat and structured, that when anony mouse stirs a little revolutionary stuff, Boom!

Its interesting to nots how a person will go to great lengths to show others that they have not written those comments! Girl, you are setting yourself up!!

Now, Saby _Prick, has also created his own religon. Surely, and clearly, its based on Satanism. But he did not arrive there directly. First, he tried "Dogism". "Dogism" is:
that if you can’t eat it, and you can’t fuck it; piss on it.

But that did not help him progress much. So, finally he turned to true satanism.

All roads lead to Rome for the serious practitioner. It is Spare’s principle of reduction, Pavlov’s bell. The devout Catholic crosses himself and murmurs “Saints preserve us.” The Pentecostal shouts “Hallelujah!” The Jew says “Mazeltov.” A more potent manifestation is possible, when one considers the true nature of religion. They might instead say: “I need a drink,” “My niece with the fine ass...,” “Is she a disciplinarian?”

Anonymous said...

Satanism is the only religion which serves to encourage and enhance one’s individual preferences, so long as there is admission of those needs. Thus, one’s personal and indelible religion (the picture) is integrated into a perfect frame. It’s a celebration of individuality without hypocrisy, of solidarity without mindlessness, of objective subjectivity.

spankmewithaspoon said...

We are only to be owned by the state for eight hours a day! I refuse to let religion own any hours, although now with the jihad, that's more difficult . I like the way elephants work as a social structure.

Keshi said...

yawwwwwwwwwwwwns lolz!


Keshi said...

btw Saby that was really me - th ereal nutty Keshi :)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

saby where r u today?

anony mouse

Jim said...

huh ??

main yahaan
meri jaan

tum kaha ?

Anonymous said...

Please! Re-commence anonymous blogging! Its like trying to regain virginity. Its not possible! Once you have blogged, that's it. Its also like crossing your legs very tightly. Will only make /anony-mous and I am sure many many others to eagerly await the un-crossing! So, before Saby and others die of dehydration, drooling, re-commence anonymous blogging!

Anonymous said...

Please! Re-commence anonymous blogging! Its like trying to regain virginity. Its not possible! Once you have blogged, that's it. Its also like crossing your legs very tightly. Will only make /anony-mous and I am sure many many others to eagerly await the un-crossing! So, before Saby and others die of dehydration, drooling, re-commence anonymous blogging!

Anonymous said...

for all u guys commenting here:

saby is my friend
any friend (or lover) of Saby
is my friend and lover

so, if u say someting nasty about dat austrayaalayan
i will come gunning for u
ur warned
wat i just said dont apply to annony mouse lover of saby

Anonymous said...

it doesnt matter u love me or not

all for matter i love saby

and it still doesnt matter saby loves me or not

u can gun down on me coz i detest dat australayan but i loveeee saby

anony mouse lover of saby,the-lover-boy

Anonymous said...

u no wat saby

consider this
case 1:

if i love and i confess my love towards u
and then
if u sidestep and oppose me
i'll be more attracted towards u

if i love u and i confess my love
and if u dont desist

then i still wont be dat attracted to u than the way who ward me off

dis is sad but true
what u conclude from dis?

i tink i made sense here

anony mouse lover of saby,the senseless person

Anonymous said...

one* not way

anonymouse loser

Jim said...

my lover,
yr cases are way too complex
ur a nut case

like me