i was just itching to post .....
u SUXS bhaalu
anyway forget the forgettable Bear
join me in a trip down memory lane
i've been strolling in lover's park at Band Stand, Bandra
and i noticed dat u young punks dont no how to kiss leave alone more serious stuff . so i created a new blogg go to
man thats a sad post.
huh ??
whose ? mine or his?
ud like that wudnt u?
saby u sux
huhh what is wrong with the pic
its funny
u tickle easy baby
u on bhaang?
that is not the answer
what's wrong with the pic?
We all mooses will analyze your 'criminal behaviour' on the net. We all know , you are a sad alcoholic from Goa, 54 years old reciting those Bob Dylan songs or Marxist movement or egalaritan 'new-age' stuff.
this is me vix
got cha asshole
its "egalitarian"
vix asshole he has got wisdom unlike u fucker who does non-stop shagging.
saby cunt no anonymous comments allowed on sex counsellor b log
bhaalu roks man. bhaalu dude I teased ya y'day on IT. I take back my words and extend my handshake. Next time I see saby at IT, I will rip his soggy arse.
take care bhaalu buddy
saby this mouse loves sebia
how about attacking him?
saby this mouse loves sebia
how about attacking him?
OK Anony mouse will attend to yr sex probs too
but if its size it dont matter
Fira got smaller
lol funny...but sad...funny!!
Nataly M, 20 yo. She was posing for a glamour shoot with this boy, and suddenly, she changed her mind and had real sex with him…
best shot!
smell of her cunt!
dis mouse has got good taste
-Sabs (saby jr)
lol...bhaalu is someone who can't tolerate normal people...leave him alone Saby.
Vix on the hand is who cannot be tolerated by normal people...lol...leave him alone too.
And as for Vix's spelling, he's a big time duffer...he spelt 'Umbilical cord' as 'UMBLICO cord' - need we say more about him? LOL!!
Saby I dont understand why you are fighting with a bunch of immature brains?? Let them be what they are...we cant change them can we - its in their genes!
And any person who's about to write back a nasty comments as a reply to this, save your cranium...me not interested :)
And mind u Saby, the rude comments addressing you, left on ITCC and ITPublic using my blog id wasnt me...I just saw them and saw that u have replied - it wasnt me.
i bet it wasnt me dat replied too
hehehehehe ....
dis annony mouse commenting is funnincaps
wat wid clones and all
u dont really no who is who
am enjoying dis
so if u see any ting nasty about u from me
it isnt me
Saby! Where have you been!? You have not been to see me! and defend me for that matter! Read up on the comments!! I am being blasted on my own blog (plus some sex stories...)
sabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
what is in my mind?
graduation day!
Good morning!
Gosh! Kesh is dat uuuuuuuuuu ?
heyyyy u cunt!
it's pussy
or vagina as Fira wud put it
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