Suicide is not a wish to die
It's a cry for help
People who die by suicide do not want to die
they simply want to end the pain
-says Nona Walia in TOI today
i been here
i no
Given below are organisations in the metro that offer counselling and other help.
u may speak to me too
The most honored love is the self...
so love yourself the best you can
cause the world will not be beautiful unless you are inside. ,
i have lived and loved 56 years on dis planet
i didnt find love at home
but i found love in dis crazy blog world
i found beautiful people here
dont ever give up on love
it took me 56 years to find my love
but i am glad i waited
yay! we're married:)
How are you, saby?
I will write again one godsawesomeday :, meantime u take care, dear
Human beings are much better off without hatred. Let's get together and dicuss how we can get rid of this big enemy of peace and replace it with love.
Hatred paralyzes life;
love releases it.
Hatred confuses life;
love harmonizes it.
Hatred darkens life;
love illumines it.
* Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jinnah was a person with inflated ego but far less utility. First of all very few writers wrote good thing about Jinnah. The same writer(Stanley Wolpert Pakistani boas, said great things about Jinnah, also wrote how much he enjoyed pork and wine, still he was a Muslim leader! You can find a quick reference of that here below, which is an interview of the writer himself.
When all of us (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians….and so on) were traveling in the same boat (India, before partition) and fighting the high waves (British). We were united and together, and we had strength. This guy tore two wooden planks (Pakistan) from the boat and given it to Muslims. He could still not fool majority of them, who are still on the boat and enjoying a better ride. Many of us got injured in this boat breaking (Partition Holocaust).
The people on the boat somehow patched their boat and moved on. But the people clinging to the planks were having considerable difficulty in managing it. They could never forget the comfort of the boat they once enjoyed. They always blamed the people on the boat for their misery. Stricken by misery and difficulty, there broke out a fight between the people clinging to the different wooden planks, tied together with only a weak rope (religion). Even the rope was considerably rotten and weak in the water as days progressed. At the end of the day they crashed their wooden planks to the boat and both the planks got separated (Creation of Bangladesh).
Now each one of those floating wooden planks are infested with parasites ( jihadi terrorists ). These planks need constant help from the other ships (western countries) in the sea to keep afloat Which comes at a price, sometime they have to catch these stingy parasites themselves with bleeding hands ( Sectarian violence), and sell it to Big Ships ( US, UK…).
When all of us (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians….and so on) were traveling in the same boat (India, before partition) and fighting the high waves (British). We were united and together, and we had strength. This guy tore two wooden planks (Pakistan) from the boat and given it to Muslims. He could still not fool majority of them, who are still on the boat and enjoying a better ride. Many of us got injured in this boat breaking (Partition Holocaust).
The people on the boat somehow patched their boat and moved on. But the people clinging to the planks were having considerable difficulty in managing it. They could never forget the comfort of the boat they once enjoyed. They always blamed the people on the boat for their misery. Stricken by misery and difficulty, there broke out a fight between the people clinging to the different wooden planks, tied together with only a weak rope (religion). Even the rope was considerably rotten and weak in the water as days progressed. At the end of the day they crashed their wooden planks to the boat and both the planks got separated (Creation of Bangladesh).
Now each one of those floating wooden planks are infested with parasites ( jihadi terrorists ). These planks need constant help from the other ships (western countries) in the sea to keep afloat Which comes at a price, sometime they have to catch these stingy parasites themselves with bleeding hands ( Sectarian violence), and sell it to Big Ships ( US, UK…).
These parasites swim far and wide in the sea and keep troubling big and small boats and ships alike (Afghanistan, Iraq, US, UK, India, Spain, Indonesia…..list is long). They also want to tear slightly broken third wooden plank (Kashmir) of their parent boat also. Although they got a fraction of it in the breaking process but they never realize that the boat is just too strong for then to get that plank now. It won’t matter if they keep banging for next 100 years.
The people on the first torn wooden plank (Pakistan) mistakenly think that these parasites are their bread and butter now. They feed them from their own scarce food (depleting economy) and cultivate to send on the other boats and ships. If they get caught or detected while sucking blood, they sell it for money. Those blood sucking parasites probably makes up a tasty dish for the big ships (US, UK….etc). People on the first wooden plank ensure that they are never in short supply! Still they do not hand over the biggest parasites (You already know who they are, don’t you!) because they are priceless for their reproducing capability. Other parasites usually don’t reach the reproductive stage. Although raising parasites is also not a child’s play, as when they don’t have anybody to suck the blood, they suck their master’s blood also (Sectarian Violence).
If there is a third see war (third world war) any time in the future. Believe me these parasites would be the one to trigger it. They would be riding all the boats and ships with their new found teeth (atomic bombs). That day would be a really a dooms day.
Hi Saby...
How u been..
Long time no see... so what have you been upto all this while..
Peace Forever,
Martina my daughter is a SHARUKH KHAN fan too
It's a good post. I can understand how some people feel that far down, but its good to know theres help out there.
excerpts from the diary of a MAD man ...
If I followed my passion I'd be living in the gutter. Wannabe authors don't make money.
but comes a time in your life
u want to live for yourself
not to make money to feed your family
at 56 i want to pursue my happiness
i want to be with the one i love
do the things i want to do
gamble all my money in a venture dat may not work out
at 56 the prospects of getting employment is bleak
but its california or bust
11:07 PM
Saby Im bakk whether u like it or not.
btw, ppl who commit suicide are not cowards. I say it takes alot of strength to kill yourself. And like u said, it's just that they wanna end the pain...Im sure they dun wanna die...just that the pain they r going thru is worse than death.
Good post!
And, aren't you just so Happy
that Keshi is back!
I am....Yay for Keshi
HI came here from keshi's blog, had to meet you in person. I am glad you found love in blogworld, actually I did too. met some wonderful friends.people I really care about, people I have not seen.
i dont beleive..those who u trust dont turn up whenu need them the most..friendship is only for fun
Margie and Starry MWAHHHHHH!
I thought you had already
fallen for Keshi!
Keshi girl is every man's wish!
She is beautiful
and still single!
Only bad thing for you is she
might block your comments sometimes!
It will get better...I promise!
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