Monday, May 15, 2006

the circle of life: on birth, ageeing and death

Pramod Mahajan the BJP Leader was shot with 4 bullets that went through his liver and his lungs and his intestine and ...

The docs kept him alive for 13 days on lung machine, artificial kidney and liver and ...
The docs new he had no hope for survival though

Can a poor nation like India afford dis ?
Wats the point any way ?

In engineering, we are told to scrap a machine if the cost of maintaining it becomes prohibitive .... it makes economic sense to scrap and buy new

retrofitting with some body elses kidney, heart, liver is possible, but shud we do it?

shud we create a market for donors in the poor nations like India?

Medical science can keep a body alive indefinitely as a vegetable

Even after death, by cryogenics u can deep freeze the body for indefinite time

and thaw out the body when medical science has a cure to restore him back to life

we shud stop playing God
if a man wants to die, let him

dis post is inspired by Michele and a large gent

the surest way to kill romance is to marry

what was once a pleasurable activity
becomes a marital duty


Anonymous said...

When you are sad,
I will dry your tears.
When you are scared,
I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried,
I will give you hope.
When you are confused,
I will help you cope.
And when you are lost,
And can't see the light.
I shall be your beacon
Shining ever so bright
This is my oath.
I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?
Because your my friend.

Anonymous said...

-Minnie Mouse

p.s.sabby how r you?

Anonymous said...

Keshi, Anony Mouse

Keshi is chasing Anony Mouse and the chase leads both of them to a hospital.

Anony Mouse keeps going in circles in and out of different corridors and finally sees an empty stretcher lying around.

Anony Mouse lies down on the stretcher and covers himself up with the plain white bedsheet.

Keshi comes panting and does not see Anony Mouse anywhere around but she does spot the stretcher and lifts the top of the bedsheet out of curiosity.

The moment the bedsheet is uncovered, Anony Mouse who is still lying on the stretcher, says in a hushed up voice: "Dead body, dead body".

Keshi immediately covers up Anony Mouse again and runs away from there!!.

Michele said...

Thanks for the publicity

Jim said...

Minnie eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

dubs!Relax and :)OO is there to entertain yous and yous!;)


Keshi said...

**Can a poor nation like India afford dis ?
Wats the point any way ?

agreed...if there's no quality of life left for the patient, just dispose of the point putting him/her through some more agony this way.


starbender said...


Anonymous said...

Saby...what do you think?should Da vince code be banned?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sabbyyy..I love yaa!

-Minnie Mouse

Anonymous said...

Stud said...
Keshi: “And yeah I will do it in public cos there's nothing to hide.”


Keshi: “I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves.”

If anyone else agrees with what Stud said about me, please stop visiting my blog. Don't come here with 2 faces, I don't like chameleons. Just humans will do. No one's forcing you to be here. If you don't f###king like me, LEAVE. You have a choice.


Keshi: “Anyways I thought u had more tolerance..rem ur the pure vegetarian? where did all the goodness go? One question from someone u considered to be a good friend, u got so pissed off”


you are a 100% SELF-CENTERED. People like you continue to prove to me that this place is full of air-heads with no substance. I treat my friends pretty good but the moment I realise he/she is a mere wolf in sheep's clothing. BLAH BLAH BLAH! Read ur own statement in this post abt me...u think Im some stupid bimbo with a teen attitude who wants attention...and u consider me to be a friend? DUHHHHHH stop lying atleast now Stud. yeah GO TO HELL Stud.


Keshi: “Stud the problem with u is u have a big mouth”


'I ADORE KESHI(????????lol)' mask. Stud I thought you had substance but you proved to be a jerk! Sorry but I have to say it. You were someone who admired me(????????? A teen’s fancy lol) with all the poems etc which now I believe is pure bull sh#t. You had all those wrong ideas about me all this time and yet associated me as a good friend? are a 100% SELF-CENTERED guy who thinks that you are Mr.Know-It-All.
yeah GO TO HELL Stud. ? Oh forget it, why am I even bothering with someone like you! People like you continue to prove to me that this place is full of air-heads with no substance. I treat my friends pretty good but the moment I realise he/she is a mere wolf in sheep's clothing, I just dump them then and there. And yeah I will do it in public cos there's nothing to hide. I'm sorry to say this but you are no longer a friend of reading what you wrote above, not that you have ever been a friend anyways!


Keshi: “Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.”

'I ADORE KESHI' mask. Stud I thought you had substance but you proved to be a jerk! Sorry but I have to say it. You were someone who admired me with all the poems etc which now I believe is pure bull sh#t. You had all those wrong ideas about me all this time and yet associated me as a good friend? What kind of friend are you? My Taste-Buds post must have pissed you off totally but you know are a 100% SELF-CENTERED guy who thinks that you are Mr.Know-It-All. Remember I didn't insult vegetarians, it was you who insulted non-vegs in many indirect ways. You write so much about being a good soul and all those religious debris, but how good are you if you had all of the above negative thoughts about me in your head all this time? And what about your quick temper? Your Sathyam Shivam Sundaram preachings hasn't helped that at all! I guess you are just jealous, nothing else. So what if I write about things I like to write about? Isn't that what my blog is for? So what if alot of people like me, does that make me the shallow person you think I am? Why did you even visit me here if you thought I was trying to gain praise and have a desperation to be right? Why? Well even if I'm all that you claim me to be, so why not get what I get? You're green about it? Oh forget it, why am I even bothering with someone like you! People like you continue to prove to me that this place is full of air-heads with no substance. I treat my friends pretty good but the moment I realise he/she is a mere wolf in sheep's clothing, I just dump them then and there. And yeah I will do it in public cos there's nothing to hide. I'm sorry to say this but you are no longer a friend of reading what you wrote above, not that you have ever been a friend anyways!


Keshi: “anyways me no teen Stud”


BLAH BLAH BLAH! Read ur own statement in this post abt me...u think Im some stupid bimbo with a teen attitude who wants attention...and u consider me to be a friend? DUHHHHHH stop lying atleast now Stud!

Stud the problem with u is u have a big mouth...rem that once u opened it, u cant take ur words back. U said all of that abt me and now u wanna be friends? Far cry.

yeah GO TO HELL Stud.


Stud: “You are a real woman..:)”

Jim said...

i am pretty sure this fight started bcoz of a clone

i always say SOULMATES shudnt lissen to words

i been here
the blog goddess was angry with me too a long long time ago

Jim said...

i dont just love u
i adore u

Anonymous said...

u = beeg tits, jen lo butt

Anonymous said...

sheesh, I never posted this on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

Anonymous said...


dubbyyyyyyyy :)

wwww said...

Answer me Saby,

If a man wants to become a woman or wise versa, do you think the doctor trying to "play god"?

We are living in the millennium where Science and Technology have been improved a lot compared to those days. If we can save the lives, why waste it?

che sara sara said...

saby ur comments folder just going trash...

Anonymous said...

heeeee heeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Da vince code be banned???

dont be silly
its a beautiful movie
go see it

JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR was a beautiful movie too