
CAUTION: The Times of India carried the pic above saying 'The Virus is not food borne and that eating chicken meat is safe'
This is a serious mistake
Infected chicken meat is safe provided that certain conditions are fulfilled during preparation.
read here
Avian influenza frequently asked questions
Is it safe to eat poultry and poultry products?
Yes, though certain precautions should be followed in countries currently experiencing outbreaks.
In areas free of the disease, poultry and poultry products can be prepared and consumed as usual (following good hygienic practices and proper cooking), with no fear of acquiring infection with the H5N1 virus.In areas experiencing outbreaks, poultry and poultry products can also be safely consumed provided these items are properly cooked and properly handled during food preparation.
The H5N1 virus is sensitive to heat. Normal temperatures used for cooking (70oC in all parts of the food) will kill the virus. Consumers need to be sure that all parts of the poultry are fully cooked (no “pink” parts) and that eggs, too, are properly cooked (no “runny” yolks).Consumers should also be aware of the risk of cross-contamination. Juices from raw poultry and poultry products should never be allowed, during food preparation, to touch or mix with items eaten raw.
When handling raw poultry or raw poultry products, persons involved in food preparation should wash their hands thoroughly and clean and disinfect surfaces in contact with the poultry products Soap and hot water are sufficient for this purpose.
In areas experiencing outbreaks in poultry, raw eggs should not be used in foods that will not be further heat-treated as, for example by cooking or baking.Avian influenza is not transmitted through cooked food. To date, no evidence indicates that anyone has become infected following the consumption of properly cooked poultry or poultry products, even when these foods were contaminated with the H5N1 virus.
Does the virus spread easily from birds to humans?No.
Though more than 100 human cases have occurred in the current outbreak, this is a small number compared with the huge number of birds affected and the numerous associated opportunities for human exposure, especially in areas where backyard flocks are common. It is not presently understood why some people, and not others, become infected following similar exposures.revised 5 December 2005
What is avian influenza?Which viruses cause highly pathogenic disease?Do migratory birds spread the disease?What is special about the current outbreaks in poultry?Which countries have been affected by outbreaks in poultry?What are the implications for human health?Where have human cases occurred?How do people become infected?Is it safe to eat poultry and poultry products?Does the virus spread easily from birds to humans?What about the pandemic risk? What changes are needed for H5N1 to become a pandemic virus?What is the significance of limited human-to-human transmission? How serious is the current pandemic risk?Are there any other causes for concern?Why are pandemics such dreaded events?What are the most important warning signals that a pandemic is about to start?What is the status of vaccine development and production?What drugs are available for treatment?Can a pandemic be prevented?What strategic actions are recommended by WHO?Is the world adequately prepared?What is avian influenza?Avian influenza, or “bird flu”, is a contagious disease of animals caused by viruses that normally infect only birds and, less commonly, pigs. Avian influenza viruses are highly species-specific, but have, on rare occasions, crossed the species barrier to infect humans.In domestic poultry, infection with avian influenza viruses causes two main forms of disease, distinguished by low and high extremes of virulence.
A Conspiracy?
in the last two weeks, detectives have tracked down two men whom they've charged with sexual assault of a minor. Both of the accused men found or conversed with their victims via the social-networking Web site MySpace.com, according to League City police.
A Parent's guide to internet safety
the most beautiful wooman in God's world
u guys of alternative life styles must read dis Caraf Dances
It is funny because it is true! When we put the effort into being sexy, we want to turn people on. Yup!
Rock on!
What happens to people when they see you naked.
, A lot of guys ask me, "How do I deal with
The answer: Don't worry about it.
If you get "rejected", you'll be fine.
It's no big deal, and it doesn't happen that
And when it does, you'll recover shortly
You'll find yourself telling your friends about
it, and laughing together. Rejection from a woman
is about as painful as getting a "D" on a test.
It's basically insignificant.
The REAL question is "How do I deal with my
FEAR of rejection?".
If you can overcome your imaginary FEAR of
rejection, you'll be on your way.
Now let's talk about those rare instances where
a woman actually REJECTS a man.
For the sake of this discussion, I want to
define "rejection" as a woman doing something that
lets you know that she's upset and offended that
you started talking to her, and she responds in a
mean or vicious way to make you go away.
I do NOT consider a woman walking away without
stopping to talk to you, her saying "No thank
you", or any other time when a woman just simply
doesn't engage to be "rejection".
If you DO consider these things to be
rejection, please stop reading now, call your mom
into your room, and tell her that it's time you
grew up and moved out... and that she'll get over
the fact that she can't choose your clothes for
you and hug you when you have a boo-boo anymore.
I digress...
I've found that there are a few main reasons
why women actually DO reject men (by the way, it's
VERY rare that I actually get "rejected"
anymore... it's probably happened to me once in
the last 100 times I've started a conversation
with a woman... because I don't do dumb-ass things
Here are the main ones:
1. The guy isn't paying attention, and he does
something stupid to begin with.
Some guys think it's appropriate to walk up to
a woman, put their arm around her, and say, "Hey
baby, you sure do look hot tonight".
Some guys don't see anything wrong with
following a woman around all night, staring at her
constantly, then walking over with a nervous,
sweaty-palmed, stalkerish look and saying, "You
remind me of my sister".
These are bad ideas.
2. The guy doesn't stop when he should.
If two women are sitting alone at a table in
the corner, and one of them is obviously upset,
and you walk over to them and say, "Hi, can I buy
you a drink?"... and the upset one looks at you
and says, "No thanks, we're in the middle of a
conversation" (then looks away from you back at
her friend)... and you say, "Aw, cummon, have a
drink. You need to lighten up and have some
fun"... and she looks back at you and says firmly,
"We're busy"... and you say, "What, are you in a
bad mood or something? I'm just trying to buy you
a drink"... and she says, "We don't want a
drink"... and you say, "Well maybe your friend
does"... and the friend says, "No, I don't want one
OK, hopefully you get it.
If you ever do something like this, you are a
dumb ass, and you deserve to be slapped and have
47 drinks thrown in your lap.
3. Making a woman nervous with your body language.
If you start talking to a woman, but your
posture is weak and slumped, your eyes are darting
around but not meeting hers, and you're wearing an
unbuttoned flannel shirt with one of the tails
tucked in, you're probably not going to get a
favorable response.
If you creep a woman out, things aren't going
to work for you.
4. Not understanding a woman's body language and
other communication.
When you start talking to a woman, she will let
you know within a very short time if she's
receptive to talking to you.
If you've been reading too many books that say
"A woman will signal her availability and interest
by flipping her hair, licking her lips, and
cocking her head coyly at you", then get over it.
This stuff happens to Brat Pitt, not to YOU.
And if it DOES happen to you, then skip this
When you first start talking to a woman she's
either going to keep talking to you in an open,
comfortable way or she's not.
She's either going to act like things are cool
or she's going to act like they're not.
This is an amazing thought, but women get
nervous too. They will often stop talking just
because they can't think of anything to say, etc.
But you need to pay attention.
aww so u turned to Caraf in my absence Saby? okkay then :*(
message to keshi please relay i am unable to access her site because of the videos she has on. for some reason it just doesn't mesh with my computer, hence the reason i haven't been there much. i have been trying but to no avail i constantly get this "cannot view this page" thing that pops up every time i try. hi kesh i am still here and quite alive.thanks saby
Quote of the Day
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
- Billy Crystal
ooooh vk :)
shell i repeat it everywhere
i found a reason, find a place @$%&*)
duhh the post was a bit too long ... lol ...
liked da 'lip lockin originated in india' news ...
I still love chicken Saby...lol now post a new post will ya? This is getting chickenish now :):)
hey Saby!!!
- Minnie Mouse
i lub u sabbdiling
- Minnie Mouse
I'm too damn tired and overworked to care about being sexy, so I'll talk about chicken. Eating raw chicken is a really bad idea, not to mention disgusting. Fortunately, I don't know anyone who does this. Chicken should never have any pink left in it after cooking. Luckily, so far there have been no cases of Mad Chicken Disease.
And if you find chickens sexy, please don't tell me because I really don't want to know!
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