Friday, November 11, 2005

Dad had balls of steel and a heart of Gold

Now, it has to be told

Dad said
'If' by Rudyard Kiplimg
and 'the charge of the Light Brigade'

He lived his life to these 2 epics

He fot wid our parish priest
He threw out 2 tenants
but He and we cudnt throw out THELMA
she had more balls than all of us put together

He was an opportunist
there was a thunder storm
Noor Jaan the life guard (one of our tenants)

the roof caved in
he hired goons and demolished the entire structure

one tenant less

more to follow, watch dis space


Jim said...

He liked Menino
Menino was like a dad to me

He loved the idiotic pranks i played on Pratap and Vincy- Dukey salo MC-BC

Anonymous said...

saby saala MC-BC fatichar $%#@^$^%$#%%$@#@#$%@#$%@$


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Menino did not like saby

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

Woo...i remember reciting The charge of the light brigade in my skool and getting the second prize for it! LOL

Keshi said...

lol balls of steel is what RC is missing :)
