Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Placed side by side however, they form a word DO, potent enough to turn a seething lnass of people into a nation.
The last time we decided to DO or Die, it changed the map of the world.
What are we going to do?
Are we going to turn froln a land of philosophers into a nation of do-ers?
Are we going to continue talking about our infrastructure and our potholes and our property prices and our healthcare? Or are we going to use that telephone, that shovel, that PIL, that ballot paper and do sonlething to make it happen?
Thinking can only happen from an armchair but doing must happen on your feet. Thinking may be a great way to get things started but doing is the -only way to get things done.
And let's face it, you're never really caught in a traffic janl, you are the traffic jam.
Today we are on the threshold of a national budget once more. Not content to wear the tag of an emerging economy, a potential super power or a sleeping tiger for much longer.
So let's stop basking in our glorious past or day drealning about our magnificent future.
And domination starts with DO
school for seduction

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
The narcissist in me

Every body and everybody wants to be fotographed
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Jim, the creep awaits your questions

JUST REMEMBER...NO non sexy questions
idea stolen from an old girl
i love her http://yellowdoggrannie.blogspot.com/
It's Our Country
Most of us true blue Aussies feel very strongly about this, but for those of you who don't, read this at least twice.
Australia- The Right to LeaveOur Country - YOU Have the right - the right to leave !
After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Christmas lights.
After hearing that the state of South Australia changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's licence with her face covered.
This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen. Published in an Australian newspaper.
We are tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.
However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. We are not against immigration, nor hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia .
However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!
Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then we suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.
If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go", then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, And we really don't care how you did things where you came from.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, we highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE" If you aren't happy here then rack off! We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
If we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.
No matter how many times you receive it............................
Please forward it to all you know .
this is sent by dat ass VEST
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
HIS blog and Her blog

HIS blog and Her blog
Why men sound different from women when they express themselves in their blogs...
LOOK WHO'S BLOGGING There's a world of difference in what men and women write about
Do men and women write the same things when they blog? Or are they, as always, from Mars and Venus, writing chalk and cheese? Given that blogs are just an extension of your personality, it is true that posts made by men end up sounding very different from those written by women.
Most women largely blog about issues that reflect their sensitivity (I know it sounds like they only do meaningful posts, but sensitivity could also sometimes be used as a euphemism for all the gossip-mongering they do) and most men deem it macho and cool to write what they think is insensitive: they spout profanity, give their expert opinion on everything from what you should do to increase the country's gross domestic product to tips for Team India to win the World Cup and even write open letters to everyone from George W. Bush to Vijaya T. Rajendherr, secretly hoping that one day, Mani Ratnam or Steven Spielberg would chance upon their blog and convey their heartfelt gratitude for the criticism.
Also, women's posts mostly revolve around themselves and often explore the fascinating contradictions, ironies and other complexities their lives are seldom associated with.
Men blog on lighter and casual issues that reflect their simplicity. For many women, it's largely cathartic. Which is why, a lot of women are anonymous bloggers. They have a virtual personality largely different from their real selves. For a lot of men, blogging is an exercise in advertising their presence to the female of the species. Their virtual personality is also largely different from their real selves. Some of them do not put up pictures or other damaging information and hence end up anonymous anyway. Of course, there are exceptions: Rogue bloggers with a gender identity disorder who write porn and cyber-parasites who live off content generated by other bloggers in the name of criticism. It is difficult to slot these under typically male or female.Women get sentimental and always generate more comments and readership than men's posts do. The amount of mush women generate in their blogs will make Karan Johar thankful for a lifetime's supply of soppy material for his films. When men try the same, they produce enough corn to generate giggles.
Therefore, men intentionally and otherwise, actually end up sounding funnier than women. The differences are many and non-exhaustive. But due to space and time constraints, we'll just head to our conclusion.
Whether you are man or woman, the question is:
Does your blog reveal the real you? Or does it add a dimension to your personality?
If it doesn't do either of the two, maybe you should continue that train of thought that will help you increase the country's gross domestic product. You just need to stop blogging and find some real work to do.
Source - THE HINDU
posted by Known Stranger at 6:55 PM
I MISS KAREN and Michele
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thank u Lord

until he fell from his hoss
and i saw him in a wheel chair, paralyzed hip down
i tank u Lord for not making me rich enuff to own a hoss
I dont have much money
and i dont own a Merc as my fellow IIT-ians do
but i have 2 good legs and 2 good hands
and 2 good eyes to see the beauty in my lover's deep blue eyes
and her smile that lights up my world
i am not built like a hunk
but i gott lucky lips, and good opening lines
dat help me make friends
and then convert dem to lovers
and i seen my sister pee
she splashes all around and messes up the place
and i tank God for giving me a hose to direct my pee
and which i can use for other purposes too
Monday, February 12, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
My dad was dying and he knew it ...

Friday, February 09, 2007
Living Life Backwards

You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an
old age home feeling better every day. Then you get kicked out for
being too healthy.
Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension. Then when you start
work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years until
you're too young to work.
You get ready for High School, drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous.
Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you
have no responsibilities.
Then you become a baby, and then...
You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in
spa-like conditions - central heating, room service on tap, and
You finish off as an orgasm.
I rest my case………………………!
- dat was VEST
A guy gets on a plane and finds himself seated next to a cute blonde.He immediately turns to her and makes his move."You know," he says, "I've heard that flights will go quicker if youstrike up a conversation with your fellow passenger. So let's talk."
The blonde, who had just opened her book, closes it slowly and says to the guy, "What would you like to discuss?""Oh, I don't know," says the guy, smiling. "How about nuclear power?""OK," says the blonde. "That could be an interesting topic. But letme ask you a question first.
A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat thesame stuff -- grass. Yet the deer excretes little pellets, the cowturns out a flat patty, and the horse produces muffins of dried poop.Why do you suppose that is?"
The guy is dumbfounded. Finally he replies, "I haven't the slightestidea""So tell me," says the blonde, "How is it that you feel qualified todiscuss nuclear power when you don't know shit?"
-dat was some more shit from VEST
the pic u see here is of spoiled brats
KIDS all of dem
Thursday, February 08, 2007
What they dont teach u at the IIM's and at JNU

When Lalu took over, the Indian Railways was a loss-making organization. The Rakesh Mohan Committee (headed by Rakesh Mohan, secretary, department of economic affairs) had termed it a 'white elephant' and predicted that it was destined to hit Rs 61,000 crore (Rs 610 billion) in bankruptcy by 2015 [20].
Defying all these predictions , the Railways booked an unprecedented surplus of 110 billion rupees (2.47 billion dollars)[21]. Lalu Prasad Yadav is now credited with engineering the financial turnaround of Indian Railways, that was on the verge of bankruptcy before his appointment to the office. What makes his performance commendable is that he has left passenger fares untouched and has found several other profitable sources of revenue for the Railways.
He announced this turnaround during his Budget-Speech-06-07 in these words:
Sir, I take pride in informing this House that in the first nine months of the year 2005-06, the Railways’ output has been record breaking. The growth in freight loading is 10% and in freight revenues it is over 18%. Based on the trends up to now, the freight loading target is being increased from 635 mt to 668 mt and the goods revenues target from Rs. 33,480 cr to Rs. 36,490 cr. Thus, Railways would achieve incremental freight loading of 111 mt in two years itself, which will be 133% higher as compared to the incremental loading of 83 mt of entire Ninth Five Year Plan period. Tenth Plan targets of 624 mt loading and 396 billion tonne kilometers have been surpassed one year in advance. Sir, I not only hope but firmly believe that we would surpass the Tenth Five Year Plan’s incremental target of 63 billion tkm for freight business by over 200%. )[22].
The impressive turnaround of the Indian Railways is now being studied by the students of the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.[23].Prof G. Raghuram, a faculty member, IIM-A , has already conducted a detailed study on the Railways turnaround [24].
On September 18, 2006, Lalu delivered a lecture to management students and the faculty at IIM-A, explaining finer points of the Indian Railways "turnaround".[25].A study conducted by The Indian Express concludes [26] :
The turnaround of the Railways is real, touchable and backed by record-breaking figures.
The turnaround is deeper than petty restructuring.
The turnaround has happened without any increase in fares or freight rates.
The turnaround has been led by Lalu.
As part of his drive to modernise the railways Lalu Prasad Yadav has decided to send nearly 100 top officials, 25 General Managers of different railway zones and 60 Divisional Railway Managers to Management Schools in the United States of America and France for training in the latest techniques and to sharpen their managerial skills [27]. He is also seeking agreement with Italian National Railways.
[edit] International interest in Lalu
It has been learnt through various sources that many foreign embassies and universities like the Harvard and HEC Management School,France have sought his bio-data to know more about him [28]. It's reported that The Indian government has been inundated with requests from embassies and high commissions asking for Lalu's bio-data, as well as the possibility of a visit, ever since he became a Minister in the Central Government. Speaking to Asia Times Online, Lalu said, "People all over the world want to know how the son of a cowherd has risen to such heights. Their interest in me is a victory of Indian democracy." One of his officials said more than 100 missions have sought his bio-data and asked questions about him.[2][29] Mr. Yadav, in France for a conference, met Professor Steven R Ditmeyer, a former World Bank and US railway official now on deputation to National Defense University. According to Sudhir Kumar, Officer-on-Special duty for Mr. Yadav, "The professor is intrigued by the man behind the success story of the railways and will be visiting India soon to learn more about him as well as the turnaround. His subject of the case study would be -- How has a man with no formal education brought about a change of this magnitude?" On basis of his view, Harvard Business School will consider a case study on the railways. However, in reality, Mr. Yadav is a post graduate in Political Science from the Patna University and also holds a Bachelor-at-Law -
On a similar note Karine Lejoly of HEC says, "We are looking at making the Indian Railways a part of our course. While nothing has been finalised as of now, I will be visiting India in October-November to talk to the concerned officials."
Big businesses has also recognised his potential.The world's largest corporations like GE, Bombardier and Alstom has shown interest in the Railways’ paradigm shift.International B-schools like Harvard Business School, HEC, Carnegie Mellon and North-Western University have also shown keen desire to understand the magic of Lalu. [30].
Deewana -
"Haan, haan, mujhe ishq hua hai!"
Darr -
"Ki-ki-ki... Kiran!"
Baazigar -
"Haar ke jeetne waale ko Baazigar kehte hain."
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge -
"It's alright, Senorita. Bade, bade deshon mein, aisi chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain."
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge -
"Pyar karti ho mujhse? Bharosa hai mujh par? Phir to bas, doli uthne ki der hai. :~)"
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge -
"Le jayenge, le jayenge, dilwale dulhania le jayenge..."
Chaahat -
"Dekha Narayan, mujhe nahi lagta!"
Yes Boss -
"Yes Boss!"
Yes Boss -
"Achhe logon ke saath, hamesha achha hi hota hai."
Dil To Pagal Hai -
"Mar gaya Rahul!"
Dil To Pagal Hai -
"Hi, I'm Rahul, naam to suna hoga!"
Dil Se.. -
" Dil se!"
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai -
"Kuch kuch hota hai, Anjali. Tum nahi samjhogi."
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai -
"Squeeze me!"
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai -
"Rahul Khanna kabhi bhi kisise nahi darta."
Mohabbatein -
"Duniya mein kitni hain nafratein, phir bhi dilon main hain chaahetein.
Kal Ho Naa Ho -
"Aaj... Aaj ek hassi aur baantlo
Main Hoon Na -
"Main hoon na!"
Kajol by Shruti - Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge - Kuch Kuch Hota Hai - Bollywood Dhol Dhamaka - Shruti's Homepage
I hate men ...
i hate my self?
Married men got married on a dream of a romance of a life time
But dis dream turned sour very soon
The girl u loved became a mother
and no man wants to be a mudda fucker ...
Dont get me rong
wat i mean is once your girl is married to u
wat was once a beautiful sex experience is now a marital duty
and is taken for granted
no more candle light dinner and candy kisses
now u r on call
like a gigolo
and if u dont perform
u r ridiculed
but in order to perform
u need the ambience
especially when u r 56