He cant keep his mind on nutting else
He will talaq his wife of 25 years 3X
widout a second tot for his children too
if she is bad
he cant see it
he is the last one to no
Yes, when an old man loves a young wooman
"In the spring, a young man's fancy
Lightly turns to thoughts of what
The older man throughout the year
Has never even once forgot."
- Robert Burned
Eyes are for use. When you look at a woman with a brief, stolen glance, you are insulting her beauty. He says: "Don't peep at girls, STARE!"
A Dirty Old Man is far more attractive to women than young men, because of his sophistication and experience, his wisdom and his honesty.
From The Sensuous Dirty Old Man:
===Let us imagine that you are a dirty old man but are dedicated to keeping it a secret because you are a bank vice-president and are interested in exuding an odor of sanctity so that no one will notice, until it is too late, that you are preparing to abscond [run away].
Now a lovely girl walks past you with a dress whose neckline is generously loose and under which there is clearly and obviously no bra. What do you do?
What you do is roll your eyes briefly in their sockets with the eyelashes lowered so that no one will see what you are doing.
The result? You don't see anything at all, except perhaps for one flash of quiver that is far more upsetting than sating.
And what is the girl's reaction? She sees that flicker of eye even if no one else does (since she's watching for it) and despises you as a rotten little coward. You see that look of contempt in her eye (for it goes through you like an ice pick) and your self-esteem is shattered.
Indeed, there is a very good chance that the girl will instantly realize that a man who would look at her with so miserably sidelong a glance is a man who would abscond with every cent of the banks property and she will inform on you at once.
But suppose you are not only a dirty old man, but are proud of it, too, and suppose the same girl walks by in the same condition. Now it is possible to be joyous and open. You can emit a melodious whistle or a snort of pleasure.
You can stare openly. You can walk over to get a closer view. You can address the girl in friendly fashion.
And how does the girl react? She is pleased that she has created such an obvious stir in a gentleman of such substantial and prosperous appearance. She realizes that you agree with her own opinion of herself and this can't help but impress her with the excellence of your taste.
Seeing in you a person whom she can respect, she will think, "What a nice, gentlemanly old man," and will smile at you. From that to a friendly word or two is but a step, and from that to a pat on the cheek or some slight pressure on the upper arm is but another.
You own self-esteem will shoot up and if you are the vice-president of a bank, you will be so buoyed up by all the this that you will go right to your office and put back all the money. This is only one example of many I can cite in which being an open and honest dirty old man is an enormous aid to public morality.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, the great Supreme Court Justice, in his last years (he lived to be ninety-four), was walking down Pennsylvania Avenue with a friend, when a pretty girl passed. As all dirty old men must, especially when the dignity of the Supreme Court is at stake, Holmes turned to look after her. Having done so, he sighed and said to his friend, "Ah, George, what wouldn't I give to be seventy-five again?"===
Isaac Asimov tells us that after the eyes, the verbal skills of a Dirty Old Man is his most important tools, so he better can give compliments to the girl to let her know how beautiful she is.
So you see, fellows, we are not alone, and have never been.
The wisest men up through history
have always been Dirty Old Men as well.
Hey! How it goin. . . oh. . .I thought you were someone else. . . but I guess I can talk to you.
Thanks Matey
bore ho gaya Matey
haramzyada hai Sabby...
Saby talking about Minnie ;)
i lubsedings 2.25 mouse
meri jaan
meri jaan bhi minnie ;)
lubsedings u n u
micchy micchy u
vere dere iz a vil dere iz a vay ;)
poochiieee pochieeeee poooo
upar caraf ka dukkan
neeche minnie ka makkan
shutsedings above mouse
pulls tail
$#$%@%$%$%$%@$% (borrowed from 30fmiami and vance)
i miss Nikki from Miami
i dont miss Vance
i miss DJ Carino, Preeti, Anna the gangsters mol, Janice, Garfield the fat cat, Deevana, The el sumting, smooth operator, Sunny
i miss fingering CYNO's ass
vat about amlendrakumar? he is vance
amlendrakumar ???
22 mouses visited dis blog
and all are nameless rats
unknown ??
i no who is who
i been tracking thier ISP
old bugga, tell us full form of ISP first.
is international
saby if u publish ISP, we tel nikki miami shrew to pay u a visit.
ni nikki
makes me
u stink saby
--minnie's paramour
hehehe saby doesnot use axe?
where can i get more info?
Her: "I have a good job, and I make good money"
Me: "Nice. I like that in a woman. Want to get
married? We could leave for Vegas right now and be
married in about 4 or 5 hours. I need a woman with
Her: laffter "OK, that sounds like a plan"
Me: "But wait a minute... do you think you can
support the both of us on your income? I really
want to be a stay at home husband... you know,
keep an eye on the TV and such."
Her: "Oh, no... I won't support you."
Me: "Well, then I'm breaking up with you. It's
over between us. I was going to marry you, then
divorce you a week later and take half your
Her: laffing "You can't break up with me! I'm
not even your girlfriend."
Me: "That's all the more reason."
ability to drw a staight line dont help in patoing Minnie and other sexy girls
those who hate cyno can trash him on sebia's blog
I am very, very wise. Hee hee hee.
Rock on!
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