Long time ago in Bethlehem
So the Holy Bible say
Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ
Was born on Christmas day
Hark, now hear the angels sing
A new King born today
And man will live for evermore
Because of Christmas day
Trumpets sound and angels sing
Listen what they say
That Man will live for evermore
Because of Christmas day
While shepherds watched their flock by night
Them see a bright new shining star
Them heard a choir sing
The music seemed to come from afar
Now, Joseph and his wife, Mary
Come to Bethlehem that night
Them find no place to born she child
Not a single room was in sight
Hark, now hear the angels sing
A new King born today
And man will live for evermore
Because of Christmas day
Trumpets sound and angels sing
Listen what they say
That Man will live for evermore
Because of Christmas day
By and by, they find a little nook
In a stable all forlorn
And in a manger cold and dark
Mary's litlle Boy was born
Long time ago in Bethlehem ......
He followed the teachings of Jesus
He is a muslim
Cheesy showed me a trick
Click below
Dear Friends,ThisXmas,I wouldlike to putup a tree in myheart, and insteadof hanging presents,I would like to put thenames of all my friends.Close friends and not so closefriends. The old friends the newfriends. Those that I see every dayand the ones that I rarely see. The onesthat I always remember and the ones thatI sometimes forget. The ones that are alwaysthere and the ones that seldom are. The friends ofdifficult times and the ones of happy times. Friendswho, without meaning to, I have hurt, or, without meaningto have hurt me. Those that I know well and those I only knowby name. Those that owe me little and those that I owe so much.My humble friends and my important friends. The names of all thosethat have passed through my life no matter how fleetingly. A tree withvery deep roots and very longand strong branches so thattheir names may never beplucked from my heart. Sothat new names from allover may join the existing ones. A tree with a verypleasant shade so that our friendship may take amoment of rest from the battles of life. “May thehappy moments of Xmas brighten every day ofthe new year”. These are my sincere wishes.A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2006 and God Bless !Lots of Love,A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2006 and God Bless !Lots of Love,- Sabyi wanted to post my picbut Ricky martin is better lookingfor your New Year's eve nostalgia partyclick here http://wilstar.com/xmas/auldlangsyne.htm
He was born to die
so dat we may have like everlasting
Love u Jesus
I always loved this song when it was sung by Boney M. Still do.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, and all the best for 2006.
Merry xmas granpa, how are you i mich u muwahhhhhhhhh
- Janice
Lisa said, to you and yours!
anonymous was Saby himself
kill him
on dis xmas
Saby ... when ur grandson/granddaughter will learn how to walk at the age of 1.5 or 2 yrs ... and (s)he'll be really happy about it ... u wont tell him/her ... or mock him/her by saying 'Heh! Look whoz happy! I've been walking for 60 years!!!!'
This was in reference to ur comment on my blog.
cheesy is too proud of her blog
her blog is crap
amen to the above.
His name iz not Saby Ne more Trust Me Guys He izz Sabzi Wala
Saby Common Tell them alll u are a
a Bastard and everybody disregards him
but still i love Saby coz he izz my Frnd and i think this old man has completely lost hiss brain
i respect old age
so saby plz i apologize
plz spare me
i no u"ll come back and wont lemme live
u no what that swhat i want
i am sorry saby
do u want more comments saby
Guys u no what hee iz Hungry for Comments last night he had a bet with me that who will will so finally saby wins again ,
thats nt fair saby
cheesy's worst post
the one where she told of her step, her visit to the potty on her own
her best post
when she turned 18
and told about it
and wishing to be the next center fold forr PLAYBOY
her first step i mean
Ask 100 guys off the street if they know what
the words "Chemistry" and "Sexual Tension" mean,
and about 98 of them will give you a dumb look and
say "Uh, not really".
A few will probably say things like "Um, is
Sexual Tension like... when you and a chick are having sex in a weird position and you get a
cramp... right?".
To all annoying mouses
May you have the greatest two gifts of all on these holidays:
Someone to love and someone who loves you.
Please gimme a break guys ... please! Mind your own business ... comment abt me on my blog ... not on others.
(: Aww...now that was lovely! :)
Thnkz 4 da wishes saby ;-) PEACE
Thin-skinned? That’s us. Indians. No sense of humour? That’s us, again. Indians. Hyper-sensitive? You know the answer. We can laugh at other people. But the minute the joke’s on us, laughter does the disappearing act. Which is why, for years and years, our sitting ducks were Sardarjis.
The only jokes that did the rounds nationally were Sardarji jokes. A quirk that was cleverly reflected in a recent film, Shabd, where a young (and completely unlikely) professor played by Zayed Khan, had a “running joke” which began with, “ Once there was a Sardarji ...”. That single line was supposed to be hilarious enough to get Ms Ice Cube (Aishwarya Rai) to break into her famous giggling fit.
Nobody was amused. Least of all the Sikh community. And I used to think they were the only community in India with a robust sense of humour. After all, the Sardarjis have been at the receiving end of countless jibes for decades. Why, if one were to count the number of SMS’ exchanged during any national or international crisis/ calamity/ development, chances of the punchline involving a dumber-than-dumb Sardar quip, are extremely high.
Continued...1|2|3|Next >>
cheesy ur comments section gives me a headache to read yaar.
So I am teasing u here only
merry xmas "cheezeass" :P
Cheesy wishes u a merry christmas. Contact her, she's shy.
Merry Xmas Saby
a mouse:)
Merry X'Mas mouse
i guess i shud be happy i have soo many annony mouses who love me
but then i want to touch u guys
caresss U
feel your tits
smooch your lips
and .....
come out of the closet u guys
i no some of u guys want to do all dis to Keshi too
but u gotta come out of your holes
and get down on your knessand propose
to me or Keshi or Chessy
Gerroff loser! @ anonymous 7.58 PM
ČħéèŝŶ.ŦēřmiŦę said...
Therez a shoutbox next to it as well @ anonymous 11.27 am.
Dont call me yaar n all man!
ricky martin's such a gay ... i love some of his songs tho
7:59 PM
Cheesy was getting real nasty wid u annony mouses i had to censor
kick that cheezeass's ass
and lemme noe how cheezy it is
saby, maria is leaving u for me
she likes mouses better
saby is a liar
v vill be mouse and trouble him tillllllll the end
u scared to do tht urself eh? tsk tsk tsk...
i dont like cheesy's blog pic too much
Really??? why ? u jealous? lmao!
Dont gimme so much unwanted importance! lol
He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy;
Luke 1:46-55 KJV
In 1991, Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi army invaded the tiny, oil-rich country of Kuwait and subjected its people to terrible brutality. Their troops were poised to attack Saudi Arabia and thereby control half the world's oil supply. President George H. Bush demanded repeatedly that Hussein withdraw his forces, but he stubbornly refused. Thus, on Jan. 17 of that year, Operation Desert Storm was launched. Several hundred thousand allied troops attacked the Iraqi army from land, sea and air. What do you think was the first objective of the battle?
You might expect it to have been Saddam's tanks, or his planes, or his frontline soldiers. Instead, the allies destroyed the Iraqis' communication network. Stealth bombers smashed it with smart bombs and other weapons. In so doing, our forces interfered with the ability of the Iraqi generals to talk to each other. They had no way to coordinate their effort or direct the movements of their army. The war ended a few weeks later.
What happened in Desert Storm has direct relevance for families. When the communicative link between members breaks down, they become disorganized and distant from each other. If husbands and wives stop talking to each other, or if parents and children grow silent, they slip into misunderstanding and resentment. Steel-reinforced barriers are erected, and anger prevails. For many families, this is the beginning of the end.
Let me urge all mothers to talk regularly to their sons (and, of course, to every other member of the family). It is a skill that can be taught. , Work hard at keeping the lines of communication open and clear. Explore what your children and your spouse are thinking and feeling. Target your boys, especially, because they may be concealing a cauldron of emotion. When you sense a closed spirit developing, don't let another day go by without bringing hidden feelings out in the open. It's the first principle of healthy family life. ,
imma skared to kick cheezeass maself coz I may get sprayed wid cheese.
so only..
Can we chat?
I'm lone, I saw you by accident and I wanna meet you!!!!
sprinkles holy water on the keshislut above..shoo go away! before Marias drives a wedge thru ur ass!
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but He has lifted up the humble.
Want a friend, a lover, the one or a chat, a dating...
Build faith, seek happiness, hope, meaning, truth, and interact with others...
Don't wait. Make the connection right now. Sign up for free now!
PS: we are not from austrayalay
Star rating
Star ratings are used to symbolise the overall quality, level of service, food standard and range of facilities available in any given property. The criteria applied within each country will vary depending on the specific requirements established by the relevant issuing body but the below outlines will give a general understanding of what can typically be expected within each banding.
Majority will be small, independently owned properties. There is likely to be a limited range of meals and facilities.
Varying from small to medium sized properties offering more extensive facilities. Reception and staff will aim for a more professional presentation than at one star level and a wider range of services, including food and drink is likely to be found . Some rooms may be provided with en-suite facilities but this is not guaranteed.
Hotel properties will usually be of a size to support higher staffing levels and with a greater quality and range of facilities. Reception and public areas will be more spacious. All bedrooms should come with en-suite facilities and room service may be available.
At this level there should be a noticeable difference in the degree of quality in the furnishings, décor and equipment. Bedrooms are usually more spacious than those found in lower starred properties. Services such as porterage, 24-hour room service, laundry and dry cleaning may be available.
These properties should provide spacious and luxurious accommodation throughout the Hotel. Formal service and flawless attention to the guest's requirements should be provided.
,PS: we are talking about ratings for hotels
not woomen,
wut a wannabe @ imma
@ anonymous 11.30 AM
I dun wannabe a cheezeazz n get sprayed with cheeze laced wid ass.
skary no?
Dear Saby
I'm an attractive 18 yr old, and I
don't often have problems attracting males attention,
but that’s about it. I don't often get approached in clubs/bars, just looked at from afar.
Do guys think woman are promiscuous etc if
they make the first move?
I mean does that kind of
confidence in a woman scare men off?
A little help
would be most appreciated! Ta!
JD New Zealand
Heyyy guys
i am 55
can some one answer Miss JD please
Minnnnieeeeeeee !
u take my breath away
did u have to talk of wife and famoly?
when i am on the net i am an eligible bachelor
two rules of thumb:
1) Don't dip your pen in the company ink.
2) Avoid women who are involved.
Why? Because it's usually just plain short-
sighted to do these things.
Some boyfriends are jealous and crazy, and if a
workplace romance goes bad (which they usually
do), then it can create all kinds of weird vibes.
Trust me.
hey saby...
wishing u merry xmas... awww i'll b bak to wish u a very happy new year... so laterzz till thn...
saby a little learned friend m-xmas too )) m
Heyyyy cheesy !
get your cheesy ass in here
the mouses dont visit when u r not here
u mean mice eh?
dis teenager barely crossed 18 wants to teach me gramma
DUMMY these arent mice
they are mouses
one mouse
two mouses
get it ?
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