Monday, July 28, 2008

History of Nations

History of Nations. This is a site which has a history of every nation on Earth. At least, every nation which is currently independent. (There is nothing on Welsh history for example.) This is an informative and easy to use site which I am sure I will be visitng from time to time. From the site: Welcome to History of Nations! This site has a history of every nation in the world. Each country if covered by a brief essay which gives the highlights of each nation's history.

The national histories at this site are divided into six regions.

These are: Africa - This is for the nations of the world which are located in Africa. This includes some of the island nations which lie off of the coast of Africa. It also includes Egypt which also has territory in Asia.

Asia - This is for the nations of the world which are located in Asia. It includes Taiwan evn though Tawain is technically not independent of China.

Europe - This is for the nations of the world located in Europe. It includes Russia which is mostly in Asia but is considered a European nation. It also includes Turkey which is also mostly located in Asia.

North America - This is for the nations of the world located in North America. This includes most of Central America and the island nations of the Caribbean.

Oceania - This is for the nations of the world located in the Pacific which are not considered part of Asia. This includes Australia and New Zealand.

South America - This is for the nations of the world located in South America.
Posted by M at 4:19 AM



1 comment:

Vest said...

Get off your ass and update your blog. owyergoinganyhow?.