Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lord, I am coming home ...

I've wandered far away from God,
Now I'm coming home;
The paths of sin too long I've trod,
Lord, I'm coming home.

Lord, I'm coming home.
Coming home, coming home,
Nevermore to roam,
Open wide Thine arms of love,
Lord, I'm coming home.

I've wasted many precious years,
Now I'm coming home;
I now repent with bitter tears,
Lord, I'm coming home.

Lord, I'm coming home.
I'm tired of sin and straying, Lord,
Now I'm coming home;
I'll trust Thy love, believe Thy Word,
Lord, I'm coming home.

Lord, I'm coming home.
My soul is sick, my heart is sore,
Now I'm coming home;
My strength renew, my hope restore,
Lord, I'm coming home.

Lord, I'm coming home.

listen to the rhythmn here

dis hymn and 'Nearer my God to u' is sung joyously at Goan and Mangy Christian funerals

1 comment:

Keshi said...

o Saby u didnt have to post this! Not today cos Im in pain...
