Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bold babes



Keshi said...

bold enuff to show their stuff? well everyone has their own measure of what BOLD is.


starry said...

They are really Bold.I think they are happy with their bodies and who they are.

Anonymous said...


by Linda E Knight

This life is the only one you are given

Look for opportunities to grow
and never be discouraged.
Replace your weakness with positives.

Take life's broken pieces
and re- create your dreams.
Never measure the future by the past
let yesterday become a memory
and to-morrow a promise.

Begin each day by focusing on all that is good
And you will be in a position to handle whatever
comes along.
Take responsibility for your actions
never make excuses for not being the best
you can be.

If you should slip,
be comforted by the thought
that we all do sometimes.
Determine your to-morrow
by the choices you make today.

Do you think we create the world we live in , or does destiny play a part?

I dont know if others have done this tag but anyone who wishes to can take it up.

posted by starry nights at 11:30 AM 33 comments links to this post

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Anonymous said...

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.

More quotes from Robert Brault
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