By Marianna Torgovnick August 6, 2005
AMERICANS WILL be reminded today of the 60th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
Most likely, we will miss once again the true impact of this event,
not just for the Japanese who experienced it,
but also on us and on how we now live.
It's not, of course, that we don't know that Americans flew the planes that killed at least 60,000 Japanese, most of them civilians, in Hiroshima, and,
three days later, 40,000 more in Nagasaki (figures from the Avalon Project at Yale law School). It's not that Americans don't know that the United States remains the only nation ever to have used atomic weapons against civilian populations.
It's that the events, unlike D-Day, say, or the liberation of the concentration camps, place Americans in ambiguous, unpleasant, or even guilty roles.
It seems natural that, as a culture, we prefer to look away. It seems natural that we prefer to emphasize events that reflect how we like to think of ourselves, that show a face we like to show to the world.
So don't expect to see today marked by daylong ceremonies like June 6, the 60th anniversary of D-Day.
Don't expect to see President Bush fly to Hiroshima to make a policy speech there in the way that he and other presidents, most notably Ronald Reagan, have flown to Normandy.
Don't expect to see the crew members of the Enola Gay smiling or saluting into the camera, their faces marked, perhaps, by the weightiness of their deeds.
The anniversary is likely to be mentioned, but quickly, almost as a kind of stealth event, under the radar screen and under the claim -- always controversial and often inflated -- that the bombings prevented an invasion and saved, and were designed to save, millions of American and Japanese lives.
Hiroshima mon amour
saby saale sebia ko kaha chupaya tune
the IT crowd is pathetic
It is a horrific truth that people kill one another. And sometimes they get it way too right.
Rock on…
, , "There is nothing worse than gangrene of the soul., ,
"Mike Malloy ~ 1/20/05
I'm living without you
I know all about you
I have run you down into the ground
Spread disease about you over town
I used to adore you
I couldn't control you
There was nothing that I wouldn't do
To keep myself around and close to you
Do you have an opinion?
A mind of your own?
I thought you were special
I thought you should know
But I've run out of patience
I couldn't care less
Do you have an opinion?
A mind of your own?
I thought you were special
I thought you should know
I used to amuse you
I knew that I'd lose you
Now you're here and begging for a chance
But there's no way in hell I'd take you back
Do you have an opinion?
A mind of your own?
I thought you were special
I thought you should know
But I've run out of patience
I've run out of comments
I'm tired of the violence
I couldn't care less
I'm looking for a new
We were the talk of the town
I thought you were special
This lyrics are copyrighted by their respective owners (Garbage)
posted by DemonQueen at 7:37 PM Comment (1) | Trackback (0)
when IRAQ was hit
u didnt care
when London was hit some IT crowd got affected but not much
it was again crap as usual
when Mumbai was hit
Pizza parties were on at IT
when it is Hiroshima Day
guys were talking friendship day
u guys make me SICK
, , The "Eve of Destruction" is here., ,
and NERO fiddled
while ROME was burning
Very well said saby.It is sad that you put up a serious post and you get a comment as the first one above.
Leaving hiroshima/Nagasaki aside ,right now in kashmir as Im writing innocent people are getting tormented and killed there.No one is sure of their life.A bomb may drop on their head and kill them out in a blinker.It is all hyped up if there is london bomb blast because it is supposedly a peaceful country I guess.You will see extra security measures being taken and the security all beefed up in london.I wonder why does this not happen for kashmir?Why all countries come together and sign up a treatise or something and take control of Kashmir.Well if ones wishes , it can happen...and no one will take initiative unless they themselves experience such a horror like the mumbai floods.
goshh Saby why r u scaring me? I 'm here straight afer visiting NV's spooky post n now this? jeeeeeeez!
hmm I know it was a terrifying event n the consequences it left for genrations to come...it's disgusting to imagine that there r ppl out there who wud really do this kind of thing to fellow-humanbeings...I guess they just call it collateral damage!
i think i know
who first used this phrase, ,
i think i know
who first used this phrase, ,
, , we better not do anyting to make dat man angry, ,
- Iranian
, , we better not do anyting to make dat man angry, ,
- Hope our Govt. dont do anyting to make him angry
- an Iranian
Saiba bogos !
Don't start talking about ghosts - they give me the heebie-jeebies.
Hi Julia first time in ur blog....
nice blogging....
The photo disturbs me. Sorry pal, no offense.
i learnt bout dis in history
nice post
Dear Saby,
ITCC has caught you in a candid and playful mood with your best friend, Pithaly. Since our offices are closed on Sundays, you seem to have fun after the stressful hours as ITCC's window cleaner.
The Committee and our staff will not be surprised the next time we find you participating in fancy dress competitions.
Wishing you Belated Happy friendship Day,
this it committee and community guy has to advertise his posts in other people's blogs cos nobody goes there otherwise...lol!
i go there coz my love lives there
At 3:38 AM, Invincible said...
Keshi !!!! u run regular in marathons ? .. how do u manage to post @ everyday !!!!!!!
or is it
a post a day keeps icy (doctor) away :)
me not read ur post yet .. 42 comments already !!
She posts everyday cuz she blogs from office daily and wants to please her fellow bloggers. We are pleased by her thoughtfulness :)To repay keshi for her kind act let us all pool some $$$ and buy her a leather chair so she can blog comfortably from work and cheat the taxpayers. We admire your for ur greatness keshi. More office cheaters like you are needed.
:) mouse
ITCC aka anonymous ass above:
How the FUCK would it affect u wut I do at work or at home or in my toilet u gutter boy?
Yes I have all the freedom at work to do wut I want which u wont even get in a lifetime :) Do u want to know why? cos I got a great job and u dont lol! So shut ur fucking stinky mouth and ur uninformed empty head, will ya?
And I dont work as a toilet cleaner like u do where u neva get PC access or a decent boss nor the freedom to eat peacefully. oh I forgot u dun even have a job. cos all u eva do is read ppl's blogs n all the 100+ comments to pick on something for ur daily sooki-whinge...tell me d u even have life let alone a job? wut made u such a dorky prick?
Get fucking lost will ya u pathetic excuse of a human being!
Jim said...
who wants a baby ?
call me
Keshi wants a blog baby
As soon as it pops outta her
The baby will blog about about its dear mamma's blogging skills
cho chweet no?
saby I'm glad to be your friend...Sky.
How the FUCK would it affect u wut I do at work or at home or in my toilet u gutter boy?
hhehehe ....
How the FUCK would it affect u wut I do toilet work or at home or in my toilet u gutter keshi?
Great work!
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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Hiroshima - Prelude
Hiroshima - August 6th
Hiroshima - Aftermath
Hiroshima - Imagery
Gun Device
Mark 1 / Little Boy
Hiroshima - 06 August 1945
At 2:45 a.m. on 06 August 1945, the Allies’ B-29 “Enola Gay” left the island of Tinian near Saipan. Its primary target was Hiroshima, where the 2nd Japanese Army stood poised to defend against an expected Allied invasion of their homeland. The Enola Gay was carrying "Little Boy," a 9,700-pound uranium bomb. Piloted by the commander of the 509th Composite Group, Colonel Paul Tibbets, the B-29 flew at low altitude on automatic pilot before climbing to 31,000 feet as it neared the target area. The weather over the target was satisfactory, and the bombardier, Major Thomas Ferrebee, was able to use a visual approach.
August 6th began with a bright, clear, summer morning. About 7 AM, there was an air raid alarm which had become an almost daily event, and a few planes appeared over the city (the weather plane). No one paid attention, and at about 8:00 AM the all-clear sounded. At approximately 8:15 AM Hiroshima time the Enola Gay released Little Boy over the city. Tibbets immediately dove away to avoid the anticipated shock wave. Forty-three seconds later, a huge explosion lit the morning sky as Little Boy detonated directly over a parade field where soldiers of the Japanese Second Army were doing calisthenics. The bomb's detonation point was only approximately 550 feet from the aiming point, the Aioi Bridge, an easily identifiable location near the center of the city. The bomb detonated at an altitude of 1800 feet. The yield of the bomb was 12.5 KT (kilotons, the equivalent of 12,500 tons of TNT).
Though already eleven and a half miles away, the Enola Gay was rocked by the blast. At first, Tibbets thought he was taking flak. After a second shock wave (reflected from the ground) hit the plane, the crew looked back at Hiroshima. "The city was hidden by that awful cloud . . . boiling up, mushrooming, terrible and incredibly tall," Tibbets recalled.
On the ground moments before the blast it was a calm and sunny Monday morning. By 8:15 the city was alive with activity -- soldiers doing their morning calisthenics, commuters on foot or on bicycles, groups of women and children working outside to clear firebreaks. Those closest to the explosion died instantly, their bodies turned to black char. Nearby birds burst into flames in mid-air, and dry, combustible materials such as paper instantly ignited as far away as 6,400 feet from ground zero.
Pika Don
Those who survived called the A-bomb "pika don". "Pika" referred to the flash of light, and "Don" was an onomatopoeic reference to the tremendous sound. Survivors close to the hypocenter, the point directly beneath the detonation, heard no sound, and called it meerely "pika".
The detonation formed a high-temperature, high-pressure fireball which rapidely expanded to a diameter of about 400 meters in the first second. The fireball emitted intense heat for three seconds, and glowed brightly for about ten seconds. The temperature on the ground near the hypocenter reached thousands of degrees Celsius. On the ground near the hypocenter the overpressure reached tons per square meter. The fireball created a supersonic shockwave, which was followed by winds blowing hundreds of meters per second. The shock wave traveled eleven kilometers in 30 seconds.
The white light acted as a giant flashbulb, burning the dark patterns of clothing onto skin (right) and the shadows of bodies onto walls. Survivors outdoors close to the blast generally describe a literally blinding light combined with a sudden and overwhelming wave of heat. (The effects of radiation are usually not immediately apparent.) The blast wave followed almost instantly for those close-in, often knocking them from their feet.
Those that were indoors were usually spared the flash burns, but flying glass from broken windows filled most rooms, and all but the very strongest structures collapsed. One boy was blown through the windows of his house and across the street as the house collapsed behind him. Within minutes 9 out of 10 people half a mile or less from ground zero were dead.
People farther from the point of detonation experienced first the flash and heat, followed seconds later by a deafening boom and the blast wave. Nearly every structure within one mile of ground zero was destroyed, and almost every building within three miles was damaged.
In the case of wooden houses, those which were within one kilometer of the hypocenter were smashed at the moment of the explopsion. In the case of reinforced concrete buildings, the roofs of those near the center of the explosion collapsed. Some of the buildings were flattened and became piles of rubble. A fierce fire followed destruction by the violent blast caused by the explosion. Every building within one kilometer of the hypocenter was totally destroyed by the fire whether it was wooden or reinforced concrete.
Wooden houses in the area between one kilometer and two kilometers from the hypocenter were completely destroyed. The buildings located one to two kilometers from the center were mostly destroyed by the fire. Wooden houses in the area two to three kilometers away were severely damaged. Even houses three to four kilometers from the center of the explosion were badly damaged. The buildings two to three kilometers from the center were partially destroyed.
Less than 10 percent of the buildings in the city survived without any damage, and the blast wave shattered glass in suburbs twelve miles away. The most common first reaction of those that were indoors even miles from ground zero was that their building had just suffered a direct hit by a bomb.
The firestorm eventually engulfed 4.4 square miles of the city, killing anyone who had not escaped in the first minutes after the attack. One postwar study of the victims of Hiroshima found that less than 4.5 percent of survivors suffered leg fractures. Such injuries were not uncommon; it was just that most who could not walk were engulfed by the firestorm.
The Day After
The A-bomb destroyed all levels of administration, transportation facilities, including railroads, the communication system, journalism, offices, factories of private and public corporations, and all other facilities. The total destruction of these facilities caused such great confusion that it was utterly impossible to grasp the number of dead and wounded.
On the evening of August 6, Vice Inspector General Hattori of the Chugoku District Superintendent's Office, Director of Hiroshima Prefectural Police Ishihara, and Governor Genshin Takano, who had returned from a business trip, gathered at Tamon-in Temple at the entrance to Hijiyama Park. They formed both a temporary prefectural government office and a temporary air-defence headquarters. Thirteen hours later they reported the disastrous situation and asked for help from the central government and other related organizations. Therefore relief activities on the day of the explosion were almost limited to the Akatsuki Corps sent from Ujina, naval personnel sent from the naval base at Kure, and a few small hospitals which survived the disaster.
Small ad hoc rescue parties soon began to operate, but roughly half of the city's population was dead or injured. In those areas most seriously affected virtually no one escaped serious injury. The numerous small fires that erupted simultaneously all around the city soon merged into one large firestorm, creating extremely strong winds that blew towards the center of the fire.
Even after the flames had subsided, relief from the outside was slow in coming. For hours after the attack the Japanese government did not even know for sure what had happened. Radio and telegraph communications with Hiroshima had suddenly ended at 8:16 a.m., and vague reports of some sort of large explosion had begun to filter in, but the Japanese high command knew that no large-scale air raid had taken place over the city and that there were no large stores of explosives there.
Eventually a Japanese staff officer was dispatched by plane to survey the city from overhead, and while he was still nearly 100 miles away from the city he began to report on a huge cloud of smoke that hung over it. The first confirmation of exactly what had happened came only sixteen hours later with the announcement of the bombing by the United States. Relief workers from outside the city eventually began to arrive and the situation stabilized somewhat. Power in undamaged areas of the city was even restored on August 7th, with limited rail service resuming the following day.
Several days after the blast, however, medical staff began to recognize the first symptoms of radiation sickness among the survivors. Soon the death rate actually began to climb again as patients who had appeared to be recovering began suffering from this strange new illness. Deaths from radiation sickness did not peak until three to four weeks after the attacks and did not taper off until seven to eight weeks after the attack. Long-range health dangers associated with radiation exposure, such as an increased danger of cancer, would linger for the rest of the victims' lives, as would the psychological effects of the attack.
It's all so sad Saby. Goes to show how f**ked up the world is getting.
((Big hugs))
AstrologyThu, Aug 7, 2008 Virgo (21/8-20/9)
Use the day to reflect as you haven't heard what you were hoping for. Quiet time by yourself will bring greater productivity. Today
All the news you receive from a distant place may not be favourable. Use the day to pause and reflect as you haven't heard what you were hoping for. Quiet time by yourself will bring a renewal of purpose, and improved confidence. After all, life's always a little of this and that!
This Week
You need to control your emotions to avoid stress and tension at home, advises Jupiter. Someone close to you could be demanding and may put some kind of restrictions on you. Stay calm and they will soon understand that you are, after all, a mature and responsible adult. A new friendship will prove to be worthwhile and long lasting.
This Month
You need to control your emotions to avoid stress and tension at home. Someone close to you could be demanding and may put some kind of restrictions on you. Stay calm and they will soon understand that you are, after all, a mature and responsible adult. A new friendship will prove to be worthwhile and long lasting. You will find your friends and loved ones gathering to share a happy and memorable occasion. This would bring a lot of merry making at home. Be aware of a negative person in your midst who may try to put a monkey wrench in the works as far as your work is concerned. Steer clear of listening to the wrong kind of advice that may sound apparently good. There may be someone close to you who is upset about something; talk to this person and reason matters out. Emotionally, you will need to feel and think positive; remember the saying, 'this, too, shall pass.' Toward the month end, there could be issues that may bother you and this could possibly make you morose. Try to spend some time alone, just by yourself and think of all that really makes a difference in your life and how to maintain a balance.For more details go to www.astroyogi.com/yahoo/
Looks like the action is back.
Paddy and his two friends are talking at a bar.
His first friend says: "I think my wife is having an affair with the electrician. The other day I came home and found wire cutters under our bed and they weren't mine."
His second friend says: "I think my wife is having an affair with the plumber. The other day I found a wrench under the bed and it wasn't mine."
Paddy says: "I think my wife is having an affair with a horse." Both his friends look at him with utter disbelief.
"No, I'm serious. The other day I came home and found a jockey under our bed."
I spent over a year in the pacific fleet during that time at least 300,000 died in action inc japs. the A bombs saved countless lives and property damage, I was quite pleased that it ended this way I had stuck my neck out enough.
An esti of two years ground fighting would cost 2,000,000 lives.
The A BOMBS killed Thousands. Without them millions more would have perished. Real men like myself fought for their country
Girly Men just sit by and bitch.
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Thank you for caring about Hiroshima!!
from Japan
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